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There has been considerable interest in varicella-zoster virus in the middle of the twentieth century. Virus isolation in 1958 had made it possible to find out the complete DNA sequence of the varicella-zoster virus. Molecular identify of the causative agents of varicella and shingles had been proved. ETIOPATHOGENESIS AND HISTOPATHOLOGY: Varicella-zoster virus is a member of the Herpesviridae family. After primary infection which results in varicella, the virus becomes latent in the cerebral or posterior root ganglia. Some of these individuals develop shingles after several decades because of virus reactivation. It is caused by decline of cellular immune response. Circumstances such as old age, hard work, using of steroids or malignancies contribute to the appearance of shingles. Histopathological findings include degenerative changes of epithelial cells such as ballooning, multinucleated giant cells and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions. ⋯ The vast majority of immunocompetent persons with shingles should be treated only by symptomatic therapy. Predominantly it is directed toward reduction of fever and avoiding secondary bacterial skin infection in immunocompetent hosts. Acute neuritis and post-herpetic neuralgia require administration of various analgesics, even like amitriptyline hydrochloride and fluphenazine hydrochloride. Acyclovir therapy is limited to ophthal
The importance of inheritance in the development of schizophrenia was recorded in classic papers by Kraepelin and Bleuler. These observations have been confirmed by the contemporary research. In this paper, we summarize the results of genetic-epidemiological studies that include family, twin and adoption studies, as well as the results of segregation analysis and molecular-genetic research. ⋯ This could explain the departure from Mendelian inheritance, highly variable phenotype and wide ranging age of onset in schizophrenia. Further research in this field could not only clarify the mode of the transmission of the liability for schizophrenia and the relationship of genetic and environmental factors in the development of the disorder, but also determine which characteristics, behavior and physiological variables schizophrenia genes code for. This would, in addition, contribute to our understanding of the biological basis of schizophrenia.
In the operating room, anaesthetist must provide unconsciousness, analgesia and muscular relaxation. In intensive therapy (IT), the rules are different and not every patient requires sedation, but almost every patient needs analgesia. The patient who is alert, calm and comfortable despite the presence of tubes and cannulas in the nose, mouth, radial artery, central vein, urethra, surgical wounds, pleural space etc. does not need any sedation. However, sedation and analgesia are clinically inseparable. If mechanical ventilation is not well controlled, muscular relaxants must be prescribed. There are a lot of trials in formulating an ideal sedative/analgesic regimen for each individual patient. ⋯ There are two barbiturates in use: thiopentone and pentobarbital. Although the main effect is hypnosis, the most important is anticonvulsant effect. Thiopentone is an agent for cerebral protection. Barbiturates have not achieved popularity in IT because of prolonged elimination and slow recov
Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Induction of labor by endocervical application of prostaglandins and intravenous infusion of oxytocin in postterm pregnancy.
The study compares two contemporary modes of labor induction: intravenous application of Syntocinon and endocervical application of prostaglandins and examines their efficacy and safety. Ninety women were divided according to the degree of cervical maturation (shown by Bishop score) into two groups. In group I there were 60 women with unripe cervix (Bishop score < or = 5) and induction was performed by endocervical application of 0.5 mg Dinoprostone, and in group II there were 30 women with ripe cervix (Bishop score < or = 6) in which the induction was performed by intravenous application of Syntocinon (500 ml of 5% glycose with 10 iu of Syntocinon). ⋯ The correlation of initial Bishop score values and the total duration of the labor was negative and high in both groups. All the neonates from both groups were in good condition and no serious complication was noted. Both methods of labor induction appear similarly effective and safe both for the fetus and the mother.
A great number of various viruses are stated as the cause of acute infections and damages of the central nervous system. In most cases these are minor damages which exhibit as meningeal syndrome and a specific finding in the cerebrospinal fluid. According to the dominant location, central nervous system infections can take a form of meningitis, encephalitis or myelitis. Since the inflammatory process of the meninges can not be separated from the inflammatory process of the brain, we usually speak of meningoencephalitis. The etiological diagnosis of meningitis and encephalitis is established by isolating the virus from the cerebrospinal fluid and by finding the presence of the specific antibodies in the blood and in the cerebrospinal fluid. The most common causes of the viral meningitis are Enteroviruses, the Mumps virus, Arthropode borne viruses, the Herpes viruses, Adeno viruses and the Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The aim of our study was to establish the correlation between the clinical features and immunological and cerebrospinal fluid changes and the degree of the damage to the blood-brain barrier during the infections of the central nervous system, caused by the Herpes Simplex virus and the Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. ⋯ In cases of the central nervous system infections, caused by Herpes Simplex virus or Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, the correlation between the severeness of clinical features and the degree of damage of the blood-brain barrier, the level of pleocytosis and the increase of the cerebrospinal fluid proteins had been established.