Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association
The quantity of literature available on the role of physiotherapist practitioners in EDs is severely limited, a situation that probably reflects the relatively recent introduction of the role. The quality of the literature, too, is variable; much of it is generalised and intended for presentation at conferences rather than as detailed analysis for publication. Nevertheless, the literature does identify two of the major benefits of employing physiotherapist practitioners in EDs: they enhance the ability of departments to meet government targets by reducing waiting times, and they are popular with patients. ⋯ Similarly, the amount by which the role enhances physiotherapy services by encouraging staff retention and recruitment, and the development of new career pathways, also needs to be assessed. It is still too early to accurately describe how the role has fulfilled these expectations at Solihull. However, there are many physiotherapists now interested in working within the role should it continue and expand.