Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine
Medicaid's coverage for home health services is a critical source of support for individuals with chronic needs. Generally, the Medicaid services available to individuals striving to stay in the community, such as personal care services or a package of home and community-based services delivered through a waiver or state plan benefit, are completely at state option to provide. The home health benefit, however, has the unique status in the Medicaid program of being a mandatory community-based service that is long-term in nature. Furthermore, while many Medicaid recipients are also enrolled in Medicare (the "dual eligibles") and thereby may receive Medicare coverage for home health care services, Medicaid's home health eligibility requirements are less restrictive than Medicare's, which may provide these individuals with greater access to the service.
Many times we are all focused on making sales calls on the physician, discharge planner, or other person at the top of the referral food chain. But all too often, if you don't have a relationship with the others surrounding them, you will find yourself being frustrated and not understanding why the referrals aren't coming in even though you have had great meetings with the bosses.