Physician executive
This is the inaugural issue of Physician Executive under the auspices of the new American College of Physician Executives. In this and subsequent issues of the journal, we will feature an interview with a prominent figure in the health care delivery system. We begin with Robert A. ⋯ He is uniquely qualified to discuss both the profession and the professional organization that serves it. The following is a report on a conversation that was conducted with Dr. Henry in early November 1988 while he was in Tampa for a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Physician Executive Management Center.
What is medical management? How do you learn about it? How do you get into it? Is there a future in it? Is medical management for you? Can you do it? What will it mean to your original plans for your life in medicine? Is it worth the sacrifice? Get comfortable. I have a story to tell you. ⋯ I doubt I can answer all your questions. I can, however, tell you about one physician's visions, expectations, decisions, experiences, and rewards from what can be loosely called "medical management." If you find something of help in your decision making in this account, my telling it is worthwhile.
This article reports the background and findings of a study made in late summer of 1987 on the incidence and management of some factors identified as contributing to delays, and thus inefficiency, in operating room utilization.
Health care is not a focused business. No one can define it precisely. ⋯ What business are you in? People looking after people? A regional organization that focuses the physician on the patient in need? Alternative health care network? Teaching hospital? Vendor/supplier to the health care industry? If you are going to build a plan, it's important to know who you are. If you don't, you can't know wh ere you want to go.