Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica
In patients with valvular heart disease planned for any type of surgery preoperative evaluation and preparation are especially important for a successfull outcome of the surgery. Preoperative preparation and intraoperative treatment of patients with valvular heart disease are different de-Spending on the type of valvular disease: aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation or mitral valve prolapse. ⋯ In the paper we will separately discuss bacterial endocarditis profilaxys which can occur after the surgery of patients with valvular disease. Since the patients with valvular disease, and especially the ones with implanted prosthetic valve or heart arrhythmia, are usually on oral anticoagulation therapy, it will be given recommendations for treatment of patients on oral anticoagulation therapy as part of preoperative preparations.
In some surgical patients immunosuppression is easily apparent and directly caused by known underlying disease or treatment. In others, although induced by the underlying disease, immunosuppression may be less obvious. Perioperative management of immunocompromised patient is mostly directed by the fact that immunosuppression itself does not cause pathology, but does leave the patient prone to infection. ⋯ They can be present both in children and adults, in a huge variety of patients that are presented preoperatively. Most of them do not require different than usual perioperative anaesthetic management. However, in some of them specific aspects of treatment should be considered, such as HIV infected, cancer, transplant patients, and those scheduled for organ transplantation.
In the Western countries, the incidence of esophaeal carcinoma is 3-6 cases per 100,000 persons. g Despite tremendous success of other therapeutic options, surgical treatment still represents the best therapeutic option whenever possible. For the long period, debate has centered on which of the a vailable surgical procedures is superior-transhiatal or transthoracic esophagectomy. ⋯ It is procedure reserved for the surgeons experienced in open esophagectomy for cancer, and specially trained in advanced minimally invasive procedures. Even in that case, learning curve is steep.
When treating complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) a positive outcome can be expected when the condition is identified and therapy is begun in the first six months. Nevertheless, symptoms may not improve by standard treatment as expected. One of the possible reasons for this is the coexistence of associated compressive neuropathies in the affected hand. ⋯ Failure of therapy response in CRPS should alert the clinican to check for associated compressive neuropathy. Detection of this complication can prevent further damage of the nerve, hasten recovery of CRPS, and prevent eventual permanent disability of the hand.
In order to study the historical relationship of early medical professional codex and contemporary demands and challenges, which are currently being placed before physicians, the first such text, known as Hippocratic Oath has been re-translated. According to the source, it is clear that this is a Code of professional conduct, primarily for the welfare of patients, and in order to maintain and preserve medical authority. All parts of the Oath have been discussed and presented, as well as the historical data from which one can see how the system in ancient Greece and Rome worked. ⋯ Requirements set to a doctor were realistic, modest and appropriate to the call, with the main purpose of protecting the reputation and dignity of the profession. Despite the historical distance, classical text of the Oath is still up to date. In this context, ambiguities and errors result from not being familiar with the both, the basic text, and the circumstances prevailing at the time and society, in which the Oath was made.