Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica
Osteoarthrosis is the most frequent joint disorder in the world. An increased incidence of total hip replacement (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) has been noticed recently. ⋯ Older population, especially women were operated on more frequently in the both groups. Regional anaesthesia was performed more frequently in the TKR group. Although a large percentage of patients had cardiovascular disorders and were of poor physical condition, postoperative complications were rare.
Intra-abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) are increasingly recognised to be a contributing cause of organ dysfunction and mortality in critically ill patients. The term abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) describes the clinical manifestations of the pathologic elevation of the intra abdominal pressure (IAP). This syndrome is most commonly observed in the setting of severe abdominal trauma. ⋯ Preventing ACS by the identification of patients at risk and early diagnosis is paramount to its successful management. Because of the frequency of this condition, routine measurement of intra abdominal pressure should be performed in high risk patients in the intensive care unit. Surgical decompression is definitive treatment of fully developed abdominal compartment syndrome, but nonsurgical measures can often effectively affect lesser degrees of IAH and ACS.
There are many problems that trauma care system in Serbia is facing today. Few of them are: 1) Lack of categorization of trauma centers; 2) Diversity in managing of trauma patients among institutions; 3) There is no trauma management training, 4) Inappropriate cooperation between pre hospital trauma care and hospital trauma care; 5) There is no standard in managing of trauma patients as well as procedures. ⋯ The aim of this paper was to report representative data about organization, management, stuff and equipment of ambulance and emergency services in Serbia. We analyzed 12 out of 138 parameters we obtained from the relevant institutions.
Complex transtrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures need dynamisation in two axis: in neck axis and in the long axis of the femur. In this study is present one new concept of the surgical treatment of the fractures of proximal femur using new double dynamic selfdynamisable internal fixator (SIF). Dynamisation along the femoral neck axis is available immediately after the fixation, while dynamisation in the long axis of the femur is activated spontaneously 4-6 weeks after the fixation. It is shown seris of 30 consecutive fractures of the upper femur. The average operative time was 42 minutes and average blood loss was 70 (seventy) milliliters. All fractures healed within an average period of sixteen weeks (ranging from 12 to 24 weeks). There were no serious complications. ⋯ SIF is one effective minimally invasive method for the treatment of complex trochanteric and subtrochanteric femoral fractures.
To assess the correlation between esophageal dysmotility, characterized as inefficient esophageal motility (IEM), and the presence of pathological acid reflux due to a structurally defective lower esophageal sphincter (LES), hiatus hernia. (HH), or esophagitis in patients with suspected gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). ⋯ IEM is associated with the presence of abnormal acid reflux, as assessed by 24-h esophageal pH-metry, regardless of the presence of defective LES, HH, or esophagitis.