Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství
Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství · Mar 2013
Review[What has the largest study in the history of diabetology brought us?].
The main objective of the ORIGIN study was an observation of the effects of treatment with insulin analogue, insulin glargine on cardiovascular complications in patients with severe atherosclerosis and early stages of well-compensated diabetes and prediabetes. The authors expected that a long-term reduction of glycaemia on an empty stomach will reduce the number of occurrences of cardiovascular complications. The study, which was conducted over a period of more than six years, showed neither a positive nor a negative effect of insulin treatment on cardiovascular complications. The second main objective of the study was the following: to compare the effect of the omega-3 fatty acid treatment versus placebo on the development of cardiovascular complications. However, no influence of n-3 fatty acids on the development of cardiovascular complications was found. The study investigated whether the insulin glargine treatment leads to an increased number of cancer occurrences. No correlation between cancer and the insulin glargine treatment was proven in this study. Long-term insulin treatment in the early stages of diabetes led to a minimal increase in weight through the course of six years (1.5 kg) and to three times more hypoglycaemia occurrences compared to placebo. However, the number of hypoglycaemia occurrences was very small. ⋯ The study has confirmed the safety of the insulin glargine treatment combined with metformin in the early stages of diabetes, without an increased number of atherosclerosis or cancer occurrences, and with minimal weight gain.
Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství · Nov 2012
Case Reports[Unusual cause of foot defect in patient with diabetes mellitus].
Foot complications are one of the most serious and costly complications of diabetes mellitus. Amputation of a part of a lower extremity is usually preceded by a foot ulcer. There have been also other not so typical causes of foot defect. The paper describe a history of a male diabetic patient with an atypical course of the foot defect.
Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství · Sep 2012
Practice Guideline[Peripartal life-threatening hemorrhage - interdisciplinary consensus opinion].
22 experts from the fields of gynecology and obstetrics, anesthesiology and resuscitation, intensive care, hematology and transfusion medicine has developed recommendations for diagnosis and procedure for life-threatening peripartum haemorrhage, which is still one of the most common causes of maternal mortality in childbirth. This guidelines, which is valid for the Czech Republic, supported by a total of 10 professional medical societies. There are based on new knowledge applicable at this time and is focused mainly on eliminating the most common causes of bleeding during delivery and prevention of haemorrhagic shock.
Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství · Jun 2012
Review[Cladribine is highly effective in the treatment of Langerhans cell histiocytosis and rare histiocytic disorders of the juvenile xanthogranuloma group].
Cladribine (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine) is metabolised and phosphorylated in a cell up to 2-chloroadenosine triphosphate which is the actual effective form of the drug. The greatest accumulation of 2-chloroadenosine triphosphate is in the most active cells, where activating (phosphorylation) enzyme, deoxycytidine kinase, has the highest activity, whereas inactivating enzyme (dephosphorylation), cytoplasmic 5-nucleotidase, has the lowest activity. A very good ratio of the both enzymes for high effectiveness of cladribine is in resting and proliferating lymphocytes. Therefore, cladribine is an effective medication for hairy cell leukemia, Waldenström macroglo-bulinemia but also for chronic -B-lymphocytic leukemia. However, such high concentrations of 2-chloroadenosine triphosphate are reached in some cells of histiocytic lines, in monocytes and also in Langerhans dendritic cells. That's why cladribine is highly effective medication in treating Langerhans cell histiocytosis and also in treating diseases of the juvenile xanthogranuloma group. In the paper we present a survey of published experience with cladribine in patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. The effectiveness of cladribine in the childhood form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis is investigated only in 1 multicentric clinical study, other data are taken from single case reports or small series studies. Cladribine was used in 60 adult patients altogether and in 51 of them (85%) treatment response (CR + PR) was achieved. In the group of childhood patients cladribine was used in 182 cases and treatment response (CR + PR) was reached in 110 (60.4%) thereof. One possible explanation for a higher number of therapy responses in adults is lower Langerhans cell histiocytosis aggressiveness in adults than in children. Another explanation is the fact that therapy responses in adults are summarized only from case reports and smaller cohorts, whereas in children, case reports and also results of a prospective randomized clinical study are included. Diseases of the juvenile xanthogranuloma group are much more rare than Langerhans cell histiocytosis and so the number of publications is smaller. In total, 7 publications describe therapy response of cladribine in some of the juvenile xanthogranuloma forms (Erdheim-Chester disease, disseminated juvenile xanthogranuloma and localized form of plane xanthoma type). Cladribine was also effective in CNS infiltration by Langerhans cell histiocytosis cells or juvenile xanthogranuloma cells. ⋯ Cladribine is a highly effective medication used in treating Langerhans cell histiocytosis. It is very good tolerated in monotherapy. Therefore, it is suitable for initial therapy of adults with multifocal or multisystem form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Furthermore, it has the use in treating relapses after some other initial therapy. According to published experience, it is an effective drug for diseases of the juvenile xanthogranuloma group (Erdheim-Chester disease, diffuse juvenile xanthogranuloma and also Rosai-Dorfman disease).
Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství · Jun 2012
Review[An effect of continuous and intermittent renal replacement therapy on antibiotic treatment in critically ill patients with sepsis - a practice-based perspective of vancomycin and gentamycin therapies].
Sepsis and septic shock are common cause of hospitalisation in intensive care unit. Acute kidney injury is an accompanying manifestation of sepsis/septic shock leading to worsening of morbidity and also mortality and requiring use of intermittent or continual renal replacement therapy. ⋯ Therapeutic drug monitoring and do-sage adjustment is important for successful treatment. Despite therapeutic drug monitoring of both antibiotic agents vankomycin and gentamicin the treatment still rises many questions about the convenient use in septic patients due to their nephrotoxicity.