International journal of spine surgery
The anteriorly displaced type II odontoid fracture is treated either conservatively by halo-vest brace immobilization or surgically by posterior atlantoaxial fusion. Anterior odontoid screw fixation is not advised for this pattern of odontoid fracture because of the difficult trajectory for screw insertion despite its advantage of salvaging the upper cervical spine rotatory range of movement. This article presents a new transoral manipulation technique for reduction of anteriorly displaced type II odontoid fracture and review of the literature. ⋯ Direct transoral manipulation with an army-navy hand retractor can be used to assist in reducing the anteriorly displaced type II odontoid fracture during anterior odontoid screw fixation.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a heterogeneous collection of connective tissue disorders characterized by varying degrees of skin hyperextensibility, joint hypermobility, and tissue fragility. Surgical treatment of EDS patients is complicated by the extreme fragility of their vessels and tissues. The purpose of this case report is to present the management of an EDS patient with debilitating low-back pain. ⋯ In this case report, the referral to a geneticist and consultation with a vascular surgeon were integral steps in the decision to proceed with surgery. Although the clarified diagnosis of type III EDS did not eliminate the potential risk for vascular compromise during surgery, it placed the patient at lower risk than patients with other subtypes of EDS. Similarly, her lack of extreme hypermobility made us more comfortable with pursuing ADR. Although we emphasize extreme caution when considering surgical treatment, this case report suggests that some patients with less severe forms of EDS may be able to successfully undergo anterior spine surgery, including ADR.
Total disc replacement (TDR) promises preservation of spine biomechanics in the treatment of degenerative disc disease but requires more careful device placement than tradition fusion and potentially has a more challenging learning curve. ⋯ Lumbar TDR is a rapidly learnable technique in treatment of degenerative disc disease.
Lumbar total disc arthroplasty is often performed in patients with axial back pain. There are multiple etiologies for axial back pain, including disc degeneration and annular tears. The location of these annular tears can vary, producing differing preoperative symptomatology. Intraoperatively, disruptions in the annulus are identifiable, and it has been suggested that patients with discrete annular tears may have better clinical outcomes after surgery. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the presence and location of annular tears have an effect on clinical outcomes after lumbar total disc arthroplasty. ⋯ Although patients with annular tears and patients without annular tears improve after lumbar artificial disc replacement, those with central annular tears or without tears have significantly lower disability scores than those with paracentral tears or lateral tears, whose outcome scores showed significantly less improvement (P ≤ .03). In particular, patients with central tears have less postoperative leg pain than those with paracentral annular tears. In this study the presence or absence of an annular tear on magnetic resonance imaging was not a significant predictive factor for clinical outcome. Further investigation regarding the effects of paracentral annular tears and surgical techniques should be explored.