Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR
Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is a selective α2-adrenergic receptor agonist with anxiolytic and analgesic properties. In the present study, we aimed primarily to assess the effects of DEX on sedation, cognitive function and cardiovascular reflex responses before, during and after the tracheal intubation in the elderly patients. ⋯ Comparison within Groups and between Groups in different doses DEX, the present result showed that 0.5μg/kg DEX had an effective inhibition, without respiratory depression, on tracheal intubation evoked cardiovascular response in the elderly patients.
Traditionally Capillary refilling time (CRT) has been used as a widely accepted method to assess cardiac output and peripheral circulation in neonates. There are only few studies describing normal values and the correct method of recording CRT. The value of CRT is affected by various factors like ambient or skin temperature, age, site of measurement, duration as well as amount of pressure and inter observer variation. However, none of these have been standardized. Hence, we conducted this study to establish the normal value and factors affecting Capillary Refilling Time (CRT) in healthy neonates in Varanasi. ⋯ The normal value of capillary refilling time (CRT) in healthy neonate is less than three seconds. The major determinants of CRT in healthy neonate are birth weight, radiant warmer and phototherapy. CRT alone in neonatal age is less informative haemodynamic parameter; it should be evaluated along with either blood pressure or oxygen saturation with pulse oxymeter. Further studies are needed to assess the reliability and validity of CRT as a clinical tool to measure perfusion in neonates.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is an oxidizing agent with known bactericidal, viricidal and fungicidal properties. Its efficacy in reducing the halitosis has been established by previous literature. However, data evaluating its antiplaque property is scarce. Chlorhexidine (CHX) is considered as the gold standard and an effective adjunctive to mechanical plaque removal. However, it is associated with few reversible side effects. Therefore a study was conducted to assess the antiplaque property of ClO2 containing mouthrinse against CHX mouthrinse. ⋯ The clinical antiplaque efficacy of CHX and ClO2 mouthwash is comparable and so is the efficacy in reducing the oral bacterial load.
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is done under general anaesthesia in most of the centres. Associated complications and cost are higher for general anaesthesia than for regional anaesthesia. Present study is designed to compare the efficacy of epidural block versus spinal anaesthesia with regards to intraoperative mean arterial pressure, heart rate, postoperative pain intensity, analgesic requirement, Postoperative complications and patient satisfaction in patients undergoing PCNL. ⋯ For PCNL, segmental epidural block is better than spinal anaesthesia in terms of haemodynamic stability, postoperative analgesia, patient satisfaction and reduced incidence of PONV. Epidural anaesthesia is difficult to execute and takes longer time to act as compared to spinal block which limits its use.
Functionality of the hands is the major determinants of the quality of life in burns survivors. If contractures or scarring affect the dominant hand, as they do on most occasions, the vocation and there by the economic status of the patient suffer. ⋯ Most of the cases can be resurfaced with skin grafting and few cases have clear indication for flap coverage which needs to be planned and executed cautiously. Z plasties with proper planning gives maximum length gain with no donor morbidity as other procedures. Postoperative physiotherapy and splinting is must for better outcome in all cases.