Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie
Fibromyalgia patients hardly suffer from major psychiatric illnesses. Most often, persistent somatoform pain disorder (ICD-10) and dysthymia are identified by psychiatric assessment. ⋯ Repeated traumatic experiences during childhood and as adults can be discovered in many cases, which helps to understand some of the difficulties met in psychotherapy with FMS patients. Modified psychotherapy techniques are recommended using pain-centered behavioral methods initially, and progressing only later to an insight orientated approach.
To study the hormonal perturbations in FMS patients we injected sixteen FMS patients and seventeen controls a cocktail of the hypothalamic releasing hormones: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), and Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) and observed the hormonal secretion pattern of the pituitary together with the hormones of the peripheral endocrine glands. We found in FMS patients elevated basal values of ACTH and cortisol, lowered basal values of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and of triiodothyronine (T3), elevated basal values of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and lowered basal values of estrogen. Following injection of the four releasing-hormones, we found in FMS patients an augmented response of ACTH, a blunted response of TSH, while the prolactin response was exaggerated. ⋯ CRH, on the one hand, activates the pituitary-adrenal axis, but also stimulates at the hypothalamic level somatostatin secretion which, in turn, causes inhibition of GH and TSH at the pituitary level. The suppression of gonadal function may also be attributed to elevated CRH by its ability to inhibit hypothalamic LHRH release, although it could act also directly on the ovary by inhibiting FSH-stimulated estrogen production. We conclude that the observed pattern of hormonal deviations in FMS patients is a CNS adjustment to chronic pain and stress, constitutes a specific entity of FMS, and is primarily evoked by activated CRH neurons.
Integration of nociceptive signaling comprises peripheral, spinal, and supraspinal sites of the nervous system. Various excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitter and--modulator systems participate in pain processing and modulation. Chronic pain states are associated with functional and structural alterations of nociceptive pathways. The numerous dynamic changes in the pharmacologically distinct systems offer novel targets for selective pharmacotherapy.
Psychosocial distress and psychological abnormality occurs frequently in fibromyalgia patients. Patterns of decreased levels of education, and increased rates of divorce, obesity, and smoking have been noted in clinical and epidemiological studies. Links to physical and sexual abuse have been noted as well. Major depression as well as increased rates of depression, anxiety, and somatization are also commonly found in fibromyalgia.
Past research on the phenomenon of enhanced pain sensitivity in fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) revealed evidence for both a higher pain magnitude in response to nociceptive stimuli (hyperalgesia) and a general perceptual amplification of sensations (hypervigilance). In order to distinguish between these two aspects of disturbed sensory processing in FS, cerebral evoked potentials after brief painful laser and auditory stimuli were measured in 10 FS patients. Results were compared with those from age-matched painfree controls. ⋯ Enhanced N1 and P2 amplitudes of LEPs suggest stronger sensory and attentional processing of nociceptive information in FS, respectively. The concept of hypervigilance is challenged by the failure to find differences in auditory perception among FS and control patients. Yet, the importance of unpleasant intensities of auditory stimulation, not applied in this study, to reveal abnormal non-nociceptive perceptual amplification in FS is discussed.