BMC research notes
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently augmented risk-based hepatitis C (HCV) screening guidelines with a recommendation to perform one-time screening in all persons born during 1945 - 1965, a birth cohort known to have a higher prevalence of HCV. We sought to estimate the proportion of veterans seen at the Atlanta VA Medical Center (AVAMC) who had ever been screened for HCV infection by birth year. ⋯ Nearly half of the veterans seen in 2011 at the AVAMC had ever been tested for HCV infection. When examined by birth cohort, over half of the veterans born during 1945 - 1965 had been screened for HCV and 15% of those screened had a positive HCV antibody. Our findings confirm the increased prevalence of HCV infection in persons born during 1945 - 1965 as identified in the updated CDC and USPSTF recommendations.
Although sevoflurane and propofol are commonly used anesthetics in rabbits, optimal doses of remain unclear. We thus assessed the optimal hypnotic doses of sevoflurane and propofol, and evaluated the influence of dexmedetomidine on sevoflurane and propofol requirements. ⋯ The optimal end-tidal concentration of sevoflurane alone was thus 3.9%, and optimal infusion rate for propofol alone was 102 mg∙kg(-1)∙hr(-1). Dexmedetomidine reduced sevoflurane requirement by 33% and propofol requirement by 11%.
Review Case Reports
Acute kidney injury associated with rhabdomyolysis after coronary artery bypass graft: a case report and review of the literatures.
Post-operative rhabdomyolysis is a well-known complication, especially after bariatric and orthopaedic surgeries. There are few published reports of rhabdomyolysis following cardiac surgery. Acute kidney injury had been distinguished as a serious complication of cardiac surgery. We report a case of 55-years-old male patient who developed rhabdomyolysis precipitated acute kidney injury after coronary artery bypass graft. ⋯ Prolonged duration of surgery is a well-recognized risk factor in the development of rhabdomyolysis. Early recognition of rhabdomyolysis induced acute kidney injury is important in reducing the post-operative morbidity and mortality in patients. A protocol based approach could be applied for early recognition and management.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Inter-method reliability of paper surveys and computer assisted telephone interviews in a randomized controlled trial of yoga for low back pain.
Little is known about the reliability of different methods of survey administration in low back pain trials. This analysis was designed to determine the reliability of responses to self-administered paper surveys compared to computer assisted telephone interviews (CATI) for the primary outcomes of pain intensity and back-related function, and secondary outcomes of patient satisfaction, SF-36, and global improvement among participants enrolled in a study of yoga for chronic low back pain. ⋯ CATI shows excellent reliability for primary outcomes and at least some secondary outcomes when compared to self-administered paper surveys in a low back pain yoga trial. Having two reliable options for data collection may be helpful to increase response rates for core outcomes in back pain trials.
Health Care Providers (HCPs) report that manual techniques of intravascular fluid resuscitation are commonly used during pediatric shock management. The optimal pediatric fluid resuscitation technique is currently unknown. We sought to determine HCP test-retest reliability (repeatability) and inter-subject variability of fluid resuscitation performance outcomes to inform the design of future studies. ⋯ Findings demonstrate excellent test-retest reliability of HCP fluid resuscitation performance in a setting involving a non-clinical model. Investigators can justify a single evaluation of HCP performance in future studies.