Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.)
Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.) · Jan 2001
ReviewAnticoagulation in continuous renal replacement therapy.
Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is a specialized intervention that is managed largely by critical care nurses who are educated in the theoretical and practical aspects of the therapy. CRRT is most commonly indicated for hemodynamically unstable patients who have acute renal failure and a narrow margin of tolerance for the rapid fluid shifts associated with traditional dialysis. ⋯ Nurses at the bedside must be expert in both managing CRRT and assisting in identifying patients who may be at potential risk when this form of treatment is in place. An overview of possible anticoagulants for use in CRRT is outlined in this article.
Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.) · Jan 2001
Case ReportsThe use of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in adult ARDS patients.
Current ventilatory objectives for adults with ARDS include maximizing gas exchange while minimizing lung injury. To this end, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), a mechanical ventilation strategy that simultaneously avoids end-inspiratory alveolar overdistension and end-expiratory alveolar collapse, has been recommended. HFOV meets these criteria from a theoretical perspective, however, is without the benefit of a prospective randomized clinical trial of CMV versus HFOV to demonstrate that effect. This article provides an overview of high-frequency oscillation, followed by an illustration of how it was applied in the case of a 43-year-old patient who developed respiratory failure 24 hours post-Caesarean section.
Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.) · Jan 2001
Transfer stress and medical intensive care patients and family members.
To explore the phenomenon of transfer stress in medical intensive care (MICU) patients and family members. ⋯ Transfer stress frequently occurs in MICU patients and family members and should be an area of concern for health care professionals.