In recent years, the hemostatic agent recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) has emerged as a potentially new therapeutic agent for management of coagulopathy in patients with cirrhosis or following severe traumatic injury, a complex problem for clinicians in which standard treatment strategies are not always effective. As with other hemostatic agents, a primary safety concern of rFVIIa therapy is the theoretical possibility that systemic administration could confer an increased risk of thrombotic complications. So far, clinical experience indicates rFVIIa to be a safe treatment for currently approved indications within hemophilia. Little information is available, however, for patient populations outside this clinical setting. ⋯ An important determinant for the safety profile reported here is likely to be the specific mechanism of action of rFVIIa, shown in experimental studies to be localized to the site of vascular injury where tissue factor is exposed.
This prospective study investigated whether the odds of receiving a red blood cell (RBC) transfusion in premature infants can be predicted at birth and for whom of these infants harvesting of umbilical cord blood (UCB) for autologous transfusion within 30 days after birth would be worthwhile. ⋯ The decision to collect UCB for postnatal transfusion can be made just after labor, based on Apgar score and gestational age. The collection of UCB is most effective and efficient for premature infants between 29 and 31 weeks of gestation. For infants less than 29 weeks of gestation, the technical aspects of UCB collection need improvement. This pilot study requires a prospective clinical study to evaluate the proportion of premature infants that can be fully or substantially supported with autologous UCB.
Whole blood (WB) can be stored for some time before it is processed into components. After introduction of universal white cell (WBC) reduction, it was observed that longer WB storage was associated with more residual WBCs in the WBC-reduced red cells (RBCs). Also, weak propidium iodide (PI)-positive events were observed in the flow cytometric WBC counting method, presumably WBC fragments. The effect of storage time on the composition of WB and subsequently prepared WBC-reduced RBCs was studied. ⋯ Longer storage of WB before processing results in counting higher numbers of PLTs in WB, higher numbers of WBCs in WBC-reduced RBCs, and more weak PI-positive events.