Multicenter Study
A multicenter assessment of recombinant factor VIIa off-label usage: clinical experiences and associated outcomes.
Off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) occurs despite minimal data. The purpose of this study was to describe prescribing practices and clinical outcomes for off-label rFVIIa use. ⋯ Off-label use of rFVIIa includes prevention and treatment of bleeding. rFVIIa is associated with INR reduction. Bleeding is rare with prophylactic rFVIIa but the cessation of bleeding is less than reported in the literature and may be related to pH. Possible adverse events are related to undesirable clotting.
Multicenter Study
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA screening of blood donations in minipools with the COBAS AmpliScreen HBV test.
The risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission by blood transfusion (estimated at 1 in 63,000-1 in 205,000 units in the United States) exceeds that of hepatitis C virus (HCV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Reduction of window-period HBV transmissions through detection of HBV DNA-positive units by minipool nucleic acid testing (MP NAT) would be expected to decrease this risk. ⋯ Implementation of HBV MP NAT will provide an increment in safety relative to HBV serologic screening, similar to that for HCV and in excess of that for HIV. Our data indicate that the implementation of HBV MP NAT would likely interdict 39 HBV window-period units and prevent 56 cases of transfusion-transmitted HBV infection annually. The current data indicate that HBV MP NAT should not lead to discontinuation of anti-HBc testing but that discontinuation of HBsAg testing with retention of anti-HBc testing may be possible.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Fresh frozen plasma prepared with amotosalen HCl (S-59) photochemical pathogen inactivation: transfusion of patients with congenital coagulation factor deficiencies.
Photochemical treatment (PCT) with amotosalen HCl (S-59) was developed to inactivate pathogens and white blood cells in plasma (PCT-FFP) used for transfusion support. ⋯ Replacement coagulation factors in PCT-FFP exhibited kinetics and therapeutic efficacy consistent with conventional FFP.