Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin Praxis = Revue suisse de médecine Praxis
Schweiz. Rundsch. Med. Prax. · Oct 1991
[Hypo- and hyperventilation: consequences for acid-base balance].
Deviations of the alveolar ventilation rate from normality induce respiratory acid-base disturbances. Alveolar hyperventilation leads to hypocapnia and thus respiratory alkalosis whereas alveolar hypoventilation induces hypercapnia leading to respiratory acidosis. The changes in CO2 induce compensatory alterations of renal bicarbonate transport: Hypercapnia stimulates renal reabsorption of bicarbonate whereas hypocapnia enhances urinary bicarbonates. ⋯ In chronic respiratory alkalosis, on the other hand, plasma bicarbonate should fall by 0.4 mmol/l for every mmHg decrease in PCO2. If the measured bicarbonate values do not fall into this expected range, acute respiratory or mixed (respiratory and metabolic) acid-base disturbances should be suspected. The clinical significance and application of these diagnostic criteria are illustrated by examples.
Schweiz. Rundsch. Med. Prax. · Jun 1991
Review Historical Article[Bibliotherapy--texts as and aide to self-help. Historical--literature review--practical application].
In the following overview the term "bibliotherapy" is approached from a historical, methodical as well as practical angle in scientific literature. It is proposed to arrange different types of texts for an efficient instrumentalisation of bibliotherapeutical activities. Bibliotherapy is a good help for an overstretched medicine and can be used to improve patients compliance and self-help-activities. There is a long list of essential literature attached for those who would like to learn more about this interesting new field in medical and psychosocial therapy.
A 54-year old patient was admitted to the hospital with chest pain, dyspnea and left-sided pleural effusion, which was confirmed by a radiograph of the chest. In view of an exposure to asbestosis a CT scan of the chest was performed, which showed pleural thickening. ⋯ Histologically a malignant mesothelioma of the biphasic type was found. The patient died less than half a year later from local progression of the tumor.
Schweiz. Rundsch. Med. Prax. · Mar 1991
Review[Old and new aspects in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism].
Pulmonary embolism remains a common complication of deep venous thrombosis. The diagnosis is often difficult, since symptoms and clinical signs are sensitive but unspecific. ⋯ Other scintigraphic findings have to be interpreted cautiously. Pulmonary angiography remains the diagnostic gold standard.