Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis]
Most TB outbreaks were caused by exposure of many people to tuberculosis bacilli due to delayed detection of initial cases who had long-lasting severe coughs and excretion of massive tuberculosis bacilli. They were also affected by several other factors, such as socio-environmental factors of the initial case; time and place of infection; and host factors of the infected persons such as immune status, infectivity, and/or pathogenicity of the bacilli. In this symposium, we learned the seriousness of infection and disease among immune-suppressed groups, special environmental factors with regard to the spread of infection, disease after treatment of latent tuberculosis infection, diagnostic specification of IGRA, and bacteriological features including genotyping of the bacilli. ⋯ Delayed reactivation of tuberculosis was observed among patients treated with isoniazid for latent tuberculosis infection. Molecular epidemiology can provide insights into the process of tuberculosis transmission, which may otherwise go unrecognized by conventional contact investigations. Additionally, it can play an important role in identifying places of tuberculosis outbreaks and routes of transmission in a contact investigation.
The treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) has been established as valid for patients at high risk for developing active tuberculosis. Treatment of LTBI is also considered an important strategy for eliminating tuberculosis (TB) in Japan. In recent years, interferon-gamma release assays have come into widespread use; isoniazid (INH) preventive therapy for HIV patients has come to be recommended worldwide; and there have been increases in both types of biologics used in the treatment of immune diseases as well as the diseases susceptible to treatment. ⋯ Based on this notification, the health center registers the patient, sends a public health nurse to visit the patient and give instructions, and provides medication adherence support. The patient applies at a health center for public expenses for medical care at a designated TB care facility. Pending approval in a review by an infectious disease examination council, the patient's copayment is reduced.
Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis] · Jul 2013
[Clinical factors of pulmonary tuberculosis in non-tuberculosis wards and its incidence among contact patients and healthcare workers in our hospital using QuantiFERON GOLD testing].
In our hospital, we analyzed the clinical factors of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed in non-TB wards and the incidence of TB infection among contact patients and healthcare workers (HCWs) using QuantiFERON-TB GOLD (QFT) testing. ⋯ We suspected pulmonary aspergillosis or old TB when presented with cases with a history of TB. Moreover, we believe that the periods from admission to diagnosis were delayed when the first acid-fast bacterial sputum examination was negative or showed non-tuberculous mycobacteria.
Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis] · Mar 2013
[Study on pulmonary lesions in which nontuberculous mycobacteria were detected by percutaneous aspiration--a proposal to add "culture positivity of percutaneous aspiration material" to the bacteriological diagnostic criteria of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases].
Culture positivity of percutaneous aspiration material" is not included in the current bacteriological criteria for diagnosis of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) diseases, which were published by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)/American Thoracic Society (ATS) in 2007 or those released by the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis in 2008. However, percutaneous aspiration is a reliable technique for the detection of causative microorganisms isolated from the focus of infection. We discuss the benefits of including positive culture of percutaneous aspiration material in the bacteriological diagnostic criteria of pulmonary NTM diseases. ⋯ If the diagnostic criteria for pulmonary NTM diseases include positive culture in percutaneous aspiration material, the diagnosis of solitary nodular NTM lesions would become easier; at present, these lesions are often diagnosed only upon surgical resection. Further, clinical studies on the possibility of spontaneous shrinkage of the solitary lesion and the value of its medical treatment would be promoted. Aspiration can easily differentiate NTM disease from pulmonary abscess or fungal infection in patients with a solitary lesion or small cavity.