Journal of cutaneous pathology
Case Reports
Vasitis nodosa and spermatic granuloma of the skin: an histologic study of a rare complication of vasectomy.
A 29-year-old man noticed localized painful swelling of the scrotal skin after elective vasectomy. The lesion was excised and its histologic examination revealed a diffuse inflammatory, partly granulomatous infiltrate with numerous tubular structures in the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. ⋯ The inflammatory infiltrate consisted of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes, but also contained spermatozoa and a few spermatic granulomas. These changes were the sequelae of a vasocutaneous adhesion and fistula; the ductules were the result of epithelial regeneration from the vas deferens and the inflammation with spermatic granulomas was due to extravasated spermatozoa.
Case Reports
Unusual vascular tumour of the scalp in association with lymphoid aggregates: a variant of angiolymphoid hyperplasia?
A 51-year-old mason presented with a large tumour on his scalp which had developed over the previous 2 years. Histological examination showed the presence of large vessels with muscular coats some of which appeared to be venules and others arterioles. ⋯ There was no evidence of tissue or blood eosinophilia. The unusual clinical and histological features of this case are emphasized and the nosology of this rare condition is discussed.
Ultrastructural findings in 2 cases of actinic granuloma are presented. The changes observed at the periphery of the lesion and in the elastic fibers, with early stage of damage, were similar to those described in actinic elastosis. Later, an histiocytic reaction which was apparently directed against damaged elastic fibers was observed. The ultrastructure confirms the light-microscopic findings, but does not clarify the etiology of the lesion or its relation to granuloma annulare.
Malignant melanoma is a disease characterized by clinical evidence of host defense, possibly immunologically mediated. It is a disease which tends to be refractory to both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Immunotherapy has been used in three phases of the disease. 1. ⋯ Furthermore, studies of chemically defined fractions of either bacterial cell wall or tumor cell extracts must be evaluated both in terms of their ability to augment cell mediated immune responses in the melanoma patient, and also in terms of their ability to induce objective benefit for the patient. The possible use of immunotherapy in patients with primary melanoma has been briefly explored but needs further study. Possible additive effects with radiotherapy and immunotherapy should also be looked at in this disease utilizing high dose fractions and other new forms of radiotherapeutic technique.
A child with Winchester syndrome, studied in Iran, is the sixth reported case in the literature. The cutaneous manifestations of this syndrome include leathery thickening of the skin, hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis. The lips and gingiva are hypertrophic. There are also arthritic changes involving the small joints.