Nō to shinkei = Brain and nerve
A case with infarction in the territory of the anterior choroidal artery (AChA) due to embolic occlusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is rare. We described two cases and investigated the mechanism of the territory of the AChA. Case 1 was a 69-year-old man. ⋯ In both cases, the left carotid injection visualized the right anterior cerebral artery and right middle cerebral artery via the anterior communicating artery well, but the right AChA was not visualized. In case 1, the collateral pathways from the right external carotid artery (ECA) and the right posterior communicating artery (PCoA) to the right ICA were not supplied and the precommunicating segment of the right posterior cerebral artery was hypoplastic. In case 2, the collateral pathway from the right ECA to the right ICA was not supplied.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
It has been considered that mannitol reduces a raised intracranial pressure effectively by improving pressure volume relationship. The objective of this study is to determine how the pressure volume status is changed by a bolus mannitol administration with using several biomechanical parameters (intracranial pressure, pressure volume index, and intracranial elastance). Our data indicated that mannitol changed the PVI more sensitively than ICP and elastance. "Estimated Intracranial Volume Change (EICVC)" has been newly defined during mannitol infusion on the basis of PVI and ICP change. ⋯ However, the temporal course of PVI indicating the intracranial venous blood pooling, can not be explained only by EICVC since the PVI has been changed more rapidly than any other parameters. Therefore, we speculated that the ratio of intracranial components could be more largely altered by mannitol than the net of intracranial volume change. The fundamental mechanism of ICP reduction by mannitol is possibly the brain water movement into venous circulation.
Intracranial pressure (ICP) was continuously monitored in a thirty-two-year-old female of acoustic neurinoma complicated with chronic renal failure. Severe headache with vomiting has begun to appear during hemodialysis for several months, prompting a diagnosis of an obstructive hydrocephalus. Continuous ventricular drainage was placed after admission and changes of ICP were monitored during hemodialysis. ⋯ A remarkable rise in osmotic pressure in CSF has been observed corresponding to the rise of ICP which created a large difference from the blood osmotic pressure that consistently decreased following the onset of hemodialysis. Whereas, the absolute values of all measured factors including electrolytes and urea nitrogen in CSF have decreased consistently which did not seem to contribute intermittent increment of osmotic pressure of CSF. The cause of ICP increment in our case was considered mainly due to increase of water content in the brain tissue caused by the widening of osmotic gradient between the CSF and blood, although the substances responsible to the actual increase of CSF osmotic pressure remained unclear.
Case Reports
[Analysis of angiographical findings in patients with severe brain disorders progressing to brain death].
In the present study, the authors analysed the serial angiographical findings progressing to brain death and their relation to the intracranial pressure (ICP) and the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Seventy two patients, from four to eighty four years old (fourty six males and twenty six females) admitted in the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital during the period from January, 1981 to April, 1986, were studied. Their underlying diseases were supratentorial primary brain lesions except two cases with asphyxias which progressed to brain death. ⋯ On the other hand, minimal flow ("Siphon-filling", "Partial-filling", "Delayed-filling") were still demonstrated in six brain death cases while ICP was approaching its "peak" value. This study showed that clinical diagnosis of brain death preceded the Non-filling phenomenon, suggesting that, for the demonstration of the cerebral circulatory arrest, the angiograms should be performed after the clinical diagnosis of brain death was established and CPP became zero. The evaluation of the extremely slow and minimal filling is still a matter of discussion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Review Case Reports
[A case of unilateral masticatory spasm without hemifacial atrophy].
Masticatory spasm is a rare clinical feature and mostly associated with disorders of general movement. Usually it occurs bilaterally. Unilateral masticatory spasm is mostly associated with facial hemiatrophy. ⋯ All of other investigations, including CSF analysis, electroencephalography, somatosensory evoked potential, visual evoked potential, CT scan and vertebral angiography, showed normal findings. After all, we could not find any apparent organic lesions which cause masticatory spasm, so surgical treatments were not carried out. He was discharged and now, continues to take clonazepam daily.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)