Voprosy onkologii
Historical Article
[Progress and perspectives in pediatric oncology: 30-year experience of the clinic of pediatric oncology].
Seventy percent of cases of Hodgkin's disease and 65% of those with kidney malignancies can be cured due to application of modern procedures of oncopediatrics. More intensive modalities have to be used for treatment of generalized forms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and sarcoma of Ewing. The rates of 3-year survival have risen to 70% in patients suffering acute leukemia following introduction of the new Protocol procedures. Infantile mortality from malignancies has been halved for the past 5 years (from 8.2/100,000 to 4.2/100,000) thanks to the taking of said measures and restructuring the oncopediatric service.
X-ray examination is considered to be the most effective procedure for diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma of the rib. The extent of surgery and sequence of procedures are determined on the basis of its evidence. Treatment of infantile Ewing's sarcoma of the rib should include chemoradiation therapy and compulsory surgery.