Randomized Controlled Trial
Improvements in health-related quality of life after treatment with tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis refractory to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: results from the 24-week randomized controlled RADIATE study.
To investigate the effect of tocilizumab on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in RA patients with inadequate responses to TNF inhibitors (TNFis). ⋯ Tocilizumab treatment in patients with inadequate responses to TNFis resulted in rapid and sustained improvements in multiple PROs that were statistically significant and clinically meaningful, consistent with previous efficacy reports. Trial Registration. ClinicalTrials.gov, http://clinicaltrials.gov/, NCT00106522.
To identify pre-operative predictors of patient-reported outcomes of primary total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. ⋯ This study identified clinically important predictors of attained pain/function post-TKR. Predictors of pain were not necessarily the same as functional outcomes, which may be important in the context of a patient's expectations of surgery. Other predictive factors need to be identified to improve our ability to recognize patients at risk of poor TKR outcomes.
To critically review the evidence on the effectiveness of complementary therapies for patients with RA. ⋯ The very limited evidence available indicates that for none of the practitioner-based complementary therapies considered here is there good evidence of efficacy or effectiveness in the management of RA.
To determine whether motor imagery performance is disrupted in patients with painful knee OA and if this disruption is specific to the location of the pain. ⋯ Motor imagery performance is disrupted in patients with knee OA, but is also disrupted in patients with arm pain. Accuracy of left/right judgements is disrupted in a spatially defined manner, raising the important possibility that brain-grounded maps of peripersonal space contribute to the cortical proprioceptive representation.
Incongruence between sensory feedback and motor output may serve as an ongoing source of nociception inside the CNS, and hence may contribute to the development of chronic whiplash associated disorder (WAD). It has been demonstrated that sensorimotor incongruence exacerbates symptoms and provokes additional sensations in patients with chronic pain. This study aimed to evaluate whether a visually mediated incongruence between motor output and sensory input aggravates symptoms and triggers additional sensations in patients with chronic WAD. ⋯ This study demonstrates an exacerbation of symptoms and/or additional sensory changes due to reducing or disturbing the visual input during action, indicating altered sensorimotor central nervous processing and altered perception of distorted visual feedback in chronic WAD.