Archiwum medycyny sa̧dowej i kryminologii
Arch Med Sadowej Kryminol · Apr 2005
[Levels of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide in blood of fire victims in the autopsy material of the Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Białystok].
The authors present the results of toxicological examination of blood of fatal victims of fires in "closed" spaces. Hydrogen cyanide was present in 26 out of 64 postmortem blood samples. ⋯ The hydrogen cyanide levels ranged from 0.8 to 39.2 microg/l, the COHb levels ranged from 16.0 to 85.0%. The level of hydrogen cyanide was determined by the pyrazolopyridine method modified by Nedoma, and the COHb level was determined by the Wolff method.
A rare case of pedestrian decapitation as a result of motor vehicle impact. The accident was primarily investigated as a homicidal strangulation with defensive dismemberment. Reconstruction performed with the aid of vehicle traffic and technical expert enabled the full elucidation of the accident.
Arch Med Sadowej Kryminol · Apr 2005
Comparative Study[Regulations for forensic medicine specialists employed as legal experts in Germany and in Poland].
The aim of this paper is to present and compare the regulations for forensic medicine specialists employed as legal experts in Germany and in Poland. The analysis of the legal situation in the two countries and the authors' own experience indicate that there are many similarities as far as the general regulations are concerned. Nevertheless, it seems that forensic medicine specialists employed as legal experts in Germany have more jurisdiction and freedom in their professional activities.
Arch Med Sadowej Kryminol · Apr 2005
Case Reports[Medico-legal assessment of selected cases of perinatal complications resulting in death of the woman during childbirth. Medical error or therapeutic failure?].
Medico-legal estimation of therapeutic management in cases of perinatal complications, especially those resulting in death of the women during childbirth is usually very difficult. The authors have investigated medical documentation supported by the results of autopsies of cases chosen from the casuistry of the Forensic Medicine Department, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice. Considering the limits of professional liability and legal responsibility of physicians, close attention was paid to standard therapeutic management and increased risk in treatment with regard to that relating to typical salubrious complications. The presented cases of deaths of women during childbirth can be the succeeding opinion in broad discussion on medical errors as well as an attempt to standardise and differentiate the medical error from therapeutic failure which occurred within the reach of risk in the undertaken treatment.
Arch Med Sadowej Kryminol · Apr 2005
Case Reports[Injuries to the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the chest wall and abdomen resulting from seat belt trauma in road accident victims].
A modification of the autopsy has been discussed. The modification concerns the dissection of the chest and abdomen integuments prior to opening the peritoneal cavity. ⋯ Based on three-year experience the advantages and limitations of the suggested dissection as well as its usefulness in the practice of determining: if an accident victim was buckled up when the accident occurred and which car seat he/she occupied, have been discussed. In a case presented, thanks to the use of the proposed modification, the data obtained from an inquiry held by the Public Prosecutor's Office were quickly verified, as well as further examinations to explain the accident circumstances provoked and a person who was actually driving a car when the accident happened established.