Das Offentliche Gesundheitswesen
Offentl Gesundheitswes · Nov 1991
[Cancer register problems--modified reporting law model for the improvement of data protection].
The author suggests creating a "Reporting Law Model with Peripheral Part Anonymisation" that preserves the advantages of the reporting law model which are internationally recognised in respect of reliability of registration, on the one hand, while on the other hand the general and individual requirements of sufficient protection of sensitive data are also taken care of. This is achieved by separating the personal data from the factual data at the reporting office level. These data are transmitted separately to the registration offices and their confidential files. ⋯ This cancer registration model can always cope with the required descriptive and analytical epidemiological tasks that are expected of it. It can be arranged to cover a wide area in a continuous manner without loss of time and without considerable expenditure. Documentation work to be performed by the reporting offices is minimised.
Offentl Gesundheitswes · Oct 1991
[Establishment of environmental medicine ambulatory/counseling facilities in public health offices--a promising concept?].
The establishment of medical environmental centres at public health offices is hardly questioned any longer even though it means a crucial shift regarding the points of emphasis in human ecology in general as well as the extension of the fields of activity in public health services. It is doubtful whether the individual-orientated approach of environmental medicine can meet the complexity of medical problems due to environmental factors or which rating preventive medicine can have in this context. Environmental medicine could well not only overtax the personnel resources of public health offices, as previous experience shows, but also change the fields of activity of public health services qualitatively. At present the lack of knowledge and experience in environmental medicine enables only research-orientated institutions to perform appropriate work in this field.
The status and ranking of pneumology in Germany is discussed in relation to the historical development, the current structure, the performance and the future tasks of this discipline. Obvious deficiencies are listed. ⋯ Sufficient possibilities to specialize in pneumology are missing, and the representation of the discipline at university level is inadequate. Research aspects are not discussed.
Offentl Gesundheitswes · Jul 1991
[Regulation of prostitution--especially considering the work of public health offices in West Germany].
In the tradition of a dual morality in respect of the satisfaction of male desire throughout history, the prostitute is blamed for the infection and spread of sexually transmitted diseases; discriminated against by society; and criminalized by law. The institutional survey and care of prostitutes has been performed in Germany by the Public Health Offices since 1927. In the course of my work on a dissertation thesis I made an inquiry with all Public Health Offices in West Germany in 1990 to study their actual efficiency. ⋯ Many prostitutes are drug addicts: 50.1% of the registered prostitutes use illegal drugs or alcohol or medicaments; the rate of drug abuse is as high as the rate of infection. The very diverse working methods of the different Public Health Offices show their effects that depend on the range of clients, incidence rate of diseases of the prostitutes, and whether the groups relevant in an epidemiological context are within the reach of the Public Health Office concerned. In this report the results of the inquiry are discussed with regard to the future work of local Public Health Offices.
The unlawful practice of medical science is the subject of the following article. Cases from actual practice and fundamental legislation are discussed. Whereas the practice of medical science and healing on legal basis shows a wide spectrum, the illegal one is even much more colorful.