Pediatric pathology / affiliated with the International Paediatric Pathology Association
A previous study of hyaline membrane disease of the newborn demonstrated that the hyaline membrane was derived from necrotic epithelial cells, and it was suggested that a no flow-reflow episode affecting the pulmonary circulation might account for the cell necrosis. An unexpected statistical finding in that study was a highly significant negative correlation between hyaline membrane disease and chorioamnionitis. Because it seemed to us that fetal infection could be expected to produce the circulatory pathophysiology suggested to produce hyaline membrane disease, we reexamined the issue by reviewing a group of autopsied infants. ⋯ Despite the negative correlation of hyaline membrane disease and fetal pneumonia, there were 10 (10%) patients with both conditions and a total of 19 (20%) with hyaline membrane disease and inflammation of membranes, cord, and/or lung. We suggest that the coexistence of hyaline membrane disease and fetal pneumonia in some patients implies a possible pathogenetic relationship between the two entities. Given the nature of the two processes, it seems likely that the direction of causality is that fetal pneumonia would give rise to the hyaline membrane disease of the newborn.
A very low birthweight infant developed pericardial tamponade secondary to leakage of fat emulsion through a catheter lodged in the right atrial appendage. At autopsy examination a thrombus was lodged in the appendage, which presumably resulted in immobilization of the catheter and leakage of the fluid through an attenuated and necrotic myocardial wall.
One hundred ten congenital and neonatal tumors encompassing a 25-year period are described and compared with similar published cases. Forty percent are classified as histologically malignant, and 65% of neonates with malignancies died. ⋯ Their biological behavior and response to therapy are also dissimilar. Leukemia was responsible for the largest number of deaths followed by neuroblastoma and brain tumors.