Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses
To examine the incorporation of pediatric pain education within the curricula of undergraduate nursing programs, and to appraise the standard of educational content concerning pediatric pain based on IAPS Curriculum Outline on Pain for Nursing. ⋯ The limited integration of pediatric pain content in Turkish nursing curricula poses a significant barrier to nurses' ability to manage pain in children effectively. Strengthening this aspect of education is essential to ensure nurses are equipped with the necessary skills to provide comprehensive and effective pain care, ultimately improving outcomes for pediatric patients.
Psychophysiological assessments and biofeedback-based interventions for chronic for chronic pain can be highly effective. The purpose of this clinical consultation was to provide an overview of the psychophysiological assessment process and present a primer on biofeedback for chronic pain. The biofeedback process was presented by a biofeedback content expert, with photos and diagrams. ⋯ Nurses advocate for non-pharmacological pain interventions. However, biofeedback is a practice that has been overlooked and underutilized in nursing. This clinical consultation is meant to educate clinical nurses on psychophysiological assessment and biofeedback for chronic pain.
Review Meta Analysis
Peripheral Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Neuropathies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
The main objective of this review is to demonstrate the use of Peripheral Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS), together with its most up-to-date protocols, for the treatment of neuropathies. ⋯ PENS requires nurse education on electrode/needle placement and patient instruction, with documentation of key parameters. This review emphasizes the need for further research to establish standardized protocols and optimal application parameters for different neuropathic pain conditions.
Observational Study
NursPainPrevent: A Prospective Observational Study on Pain During a Bed Bath.
Although bed baths are known to cause pain, the engendered pain frequency and intensity remain poorly studied. This prospective, observational study was undertaken to examine prospectively, on a given day, patients' bed bath-associated pain in the general in-hospital population. ⋯ The results of this study could contribute to sensitizing professionals to preventing pain linked with routine nursing care. Four axes for improvement were highlighted: evaluation improvement, analgesia, nonpharmacological approaches, and adapted mobilization techniques.