Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses
The purpose of this review is to highlight the neighborhood, socioeconomic, and racial influences on chronic pain. Negative influences on the experience of chronic pain are explored and defined as any adverse stressor common in low socioeconomic, urban neighborhoods that potentially contributes to health disparity in African Americans experiencing chronic pain. The multifactorial influences on chronic pain disparity in African Americans are explored and expounded upon in this review of existing evidence. ⋯ The experience of chronic pain is multifaceted, existing with multiple comorbidities and lasting consequences. To improve the burden of chronic pain requires a multifactorial assessment that considers neighborhood risk factors, emphasis on environmental stressors, limitations to support networks, barriers to physical activity, and access to primary care providers with whom communication is open and without bias. A comprehensive assessment of barriers will aid in the development of interventions that reach beyond the physical factors of chronic pain, also considering the psychosocial barriers to improving the burden of chronic pain in African Americans living in impoverished urban neighborhoods.
Individuals with chronic pain who live in rural communities often lack access to pain specialists and rely on primary care providers who may be less prepared. Research has indicated that rural residents with chronic pain are more likely to receive an opioid prescription than nonrural residents. Although self-management approaches are available for chronic pain management, it is unclear to what extent rural residents use these interventions. ⋯ A disparity exists in the use of self-management interventions for chronic pain management by rural residents compared with nonrural residents. Further study is needed to determine if this is related to the lack of access to specialists and/or pain management training of primary care providers. Nurses can play an essential role in addressing this disparity by educating patients about self-management interventions.
African American women with osteoarthritis (OA) are at high risk of experiencing pain. They report more pain than non-Hispanic White women and men of other racial/ethnic groups. This pain can limit independence and diminish their quality of life. ⋯ Results indicated that racial discrimination was significantly associated with pain intensity and that this relationship was mediated by depressive symptoms, even after controlling for body mass index, years of education, and length of time with OA. Both depressive symptoms and racial discrimination may be modifiable. If these modifiable factors are addressed in this population, there may be decreased pain in middle-aged and older African American women.
Cancer is associated with disease-related and treatment-related symptoms. Little is known about the symptom experience of black individuals with advanced cancer especially those with limited financial resources. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the symptom experience of black adults with advanced cancer living in poverty. ⋯ Two main themes emerged in terms of the participants' symptom experiences: (1) "living in pain," which included the overwhelming experience of pain, both physical and emotional, and (2) "symptoms associated with functioning in everyday life." Participants frequently used the context of activities in their daily lives to explain symptoms, including the effect of symptoms on the activities of eating, moving and doing, and communicating. People with advanced cancer work to negotiate a high frequency of multiple distressful symptoms of severe-to-moderate severity. Information gained from this study can help guide research in symptom science and provide direction for clinicians working with this minority group.
The experience of cancer pain is poorly understood from the perspective of African Americans, who experience higher levels of pain, more pain-related distress, and poorer function than Caucasians. Decreased perceived control over pain may play a greater role for African American patients, affecting pain-related distress and function. The purpose of this study was to add to the understanding of cancer pain and perceived control over pain in African Americans, from the patients' perspective. ⋯ Each theme contained several categories. The study unveiled the participants account of both struggles of the chronic pain experience and barriers of perceived control that can be assessed for and targeted in nursing intervention. Benefits to having perceived control over pain were also illustrated in the participants' narratives.