Journal of the autonomic nervous system
J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. · Dec 1993
Power spectrum analysis of cardiovascular variability monitored by telemetry in conscious unrestrained rats.
Beat-to-beat variability of arterial pressure and heart period (R-R) was studied in eight conscious freely-moving adult male rats in which telemetric recordings of arterial pressure, ECG and respiratory movements were obtained under unrestrained and unstressed conditions. The beat-to-beat time series of these signals (systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure and R-R) were analyzed, in the frequency domain, using autoregressive spectral analysis in order to detect and quantify the rhythmic components. In basal conditions, the systolic arterial pressure variability spectrum was characterized by three major spectral components which had central frequencies respectively of 0.08 +/- 0.03 Hz (very low frequency), 0.43 +/- 0.02 Hz (low frequency) and 1.36 +/- 0.19 Hz (high frequency). ⋯ We suggest that cardiovascular variability signals, (R-R, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure) are composed almost of two main rhythms linked to respiration and vasomotor activity. These rhythms can be quantified in conscious unrestrained rats by using telemetry and spectral analysis. This approach seems to offer a new powerful tool for pharmacological studies in conscious small animals.
J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. · Nov 1992
Central action of alpha-adrenoceptor agents on the baroreceptor reflex.
In chloralose-anaesthetized cats the effects of intravenous application of the alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonistic and antagonistic agents methoxamine, prazosin, B-HT 933 and rauwolscine were tested on baroreceptor reflex, sympathetic background activity and blood pressure. Sympathetic activity was recorded from the renal nerve and the efficacy of the central transmission of the baroreceptor reflex was measured by the duration of the complete inhibition of renal nerve activity during electrical stimulation of the left carotid sinus nerve. All baroreceptors were denervated by sectioning both carotid sinus and vagal nerves. ⋯ The effect of B-HT 933 upon the baroreceptor reflex could be completely antagonized by rauwolscine. These findings demonstrate a very effective facilitation of the baroreceptor reflex transmission by stimulation of central alpha 2-adrenoceptors. Through such humoral-neuronal interaction circulating catecholamines are likely to modulate cardiovascular control.
J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. · Dec 1991
Efferent connections of lobule IX of the posterior cerebellar cortex in the rabbit--some functional considerations.
The Purkinje cell projection from the cardiovascular region of sublobule b of the uvula (medial area of zone A) has been investigated using anterograde tracing methods in the rabbit. The importance of the integrity of the identified pathways in mediating the cardiovascular responses from the uvula has been studied in subsequent lesioning experiments. Wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase or tritiated amino acids were microinjected into sublobule IXb. ⋯ Labelled fibres were also seen coursing in the lateral vestibular nucleus. Lesioning experiments have revealed that the integrity of the superior cerebellar peduncle is essential for the expression of the cardiovascular responses (bradycardia and depressor response) elicited from the uvula in the anaesthetized rabbit. In contrast, the pattern of cardiovascular response evoked in a decerebrate rabbit (tachycardia and pressor response) was abolished when the inferior cerebellar peduncle was lesioned.
J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. · Apr 1991
Distribution of splenic, mesenteric and renal neurons in sympathetic ganglia in rats.
The distribution of postganglionic neurons innervating the spleen, intestine and kidney in paravertebral and prevertebral sympathetic ganglia was studied in rats using retrograde transport of fluorescent dyes. Labelled cells were counted in the thoracolumbar chain ganglia T6-L4, splanchnic ganglia and the solar plexus (fusion of left and right coeliac ganglia and superior mesenteric ganglion). Most splenic neurons were located in the splanchnic ganglion (64%), mesenteric neurons in the solar plexus (96%) and renal neurons in the sympathetic chain ganglia (80%). ⋯ Innervation of the spleen and intestine from the chain ganglia was bilateral, whereas innervation of the kidney was almost entirely ipsilateral. In conclusion, the sympathetic postganglionic neurons controlling the spleen, intestine and kidney have their cell bodies in different ganglia. These three groups of neurons are candidates for innervation by different subgroups of preganglionic neurons.
J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. · Nov 1989
Modification of spino-bulbar autonomic cholinergic systems by activation of alpha-adrenergic receptors.
Intrathecal (i.t.) injection of neostigmine was employed to activate spinal cholinergic neurons mediating a hypertensive response in freely-moving rats. Our earlier studies have demonstrated that stimulation of central alpha-adrenergic receptors inhibits the pressor response following inhibition of brain cholinesterase. Clonidine (0.5-5 micrograms) pretreatment by i.t. injection did not alter the magnitude of the pressor response to i.t. injection of neostigmine, but did significantly delay the onset of the response. ⋯ Depletion of medullary acetylcholine significantly blocked the pressor response to i.t. injection of carbachol. These findings are consistent with the concept of an ascending spinal cholinergic pressor pathway. The pressor response to activation of spinal cholinergic receptors is not sensitive to local injection of clonidine, but, the medullary cholinergic component of the system is inhibited by alpha-receptor stimulation.