Epilepsy & behavior : E&B
Status epilepticus (SE) is a neurological emergency usually requiring immediate medical treatment. Due to the lack of adequate studies, treatment guidelines and their application vary between countries and institutions. We intended to analyze current treatment of SE in a German community hospital. ⋯ Status epilepticus can be terminated successfully and with low in-hospital mortality in the vast majority of the patients treated in a large community hospital. The success rate of each treatment step is between 30% and 55% regardless of the substances used.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B · Mar 2012
Initial EEG predicts outcomes in a trial of levetiracetam vs. fosphenytoin for seizure prevention.
Continuous electroencephalography (cEEG) is increasingly used to detect both clinical and subclinical seizures in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) or subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). We assess whether EEG findings predict outcomes in TBI/SAH patients enrolled in a levetiracetam (LEV) vs. fosphenytoin (fos-PHT) seizure prevention trial (NCT00618436). This prospective, single-blinded, comparative trial randomized 52 patients with TBI or SAH to receive prophylactic LEV or fos-PHT. ⋯ Severity of generalized slowing tended to be associated with outcomes in both treatment groups (discharge DRS, p=0.042; discharge GOS-E, p=0.026; 3 month DRS, p=0.051). The presence of focal slowing, the presence and frequency of epileptiform discharges and the presence of seizures were not predictive of outcome in either treatment group (all p>0.15). While it has been shown that LEV is associated with better outcome than fos-PHT when used as seizure prophylaxis in brain injury, aside from severity of generalized slowing, electrographic findings of focal slowing, epileptiform discharges, and seizures were not themselves associated with outcomes in patients with TBI or SAH enrolled in a randomized clinical trial.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B · Mar 2012
Injury deaths among people with epilepsy in rural Bangladesh: a retrospective population-based study.
Accidental death in people with epilepsy (PWE) has been described in high income settings where the relative risk of death is known to be higher than in the standard population. Population-based studies of injury deaths among PWE in developing countries are uncommon. ⋯ There is a high proportion of accidental deaths due to drowning in PWE in Bangladesh compared to the standard population. Given the risk of seasonal flooding and low level of formal education, programs targeting water safety for PWE at all ages should be emphasized, appropriate for level of ability.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B · Mar 2012
Acute confusional state of unknown cause in the elderly: a study with continuous EEG monitoring.
Acute confusional state (ACS) is a frequent cause of emergency consultation in the elderly. Many causes of ACS are also risk factors for seizures. Both non-convulsive seizures and status epilepticus can cause acute confusion. The yield of routine EEG may not be optimal in case of prolonged post-ictal confusion. We thus, sought to evaluate the yield of CEEG in identifying seizures in elderly patients with ACS of unknown origin. ⋯ This retrospective study suggests that NCSz and NCSE may account for more cases of ACS than what was previously thought. A single negative routine EEG does not exclude this diagnosis. Continuous EEG (CEEG) monitoring is more revealing than routine EEG for the detection of NCSE and NCSz in confused elderly. The presence of IED in the first routine EEG strongly suggests concomitant NCSz or NCSE. Prospective studies are required to further determine the role of CEEG monitoring in the assessment of ACS in the elderly and to establish the incidence of NCSz and NCSE in this setting.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B · Mar 2012
Case ReportsSingle tonic-clonic seizure after energy drink abuse.
Energy drinks are soft beverages especially marketed for adolescents in order to obtain a heightened sense of awareness. Concerns about the safety of these drinks are raised based on our observation of potentially serious adverse effects. Caffeine and taurine are psychoactive agents highly present in energy drinks, which may lead to modification of neurotransmission. We herein report the case of a 20-year-old man presenting with a generalized epileptic seizure after energy drink consumption.