Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
"Burst ketamine" (BK) is the long-term infusion of subanesthetic ketamine in combination with an opioid. It is used clinically with mixed success to provide long-term pain relief and improve opioid response in patients. BK has not been simulated preclinically, therefore, its effectiveness was investigated in an animal model of neuropathic pain--streptozotocin-induced diabetic neuropathy. ⋯ This is the first preclinical study to use a model of neuropathic pain to demonstrate the utility of the BK procedure for delivering a long-lasting reduction in hyperalgesia and improved antinociceptive responsiveness to opioids.
Review Case Reports
Deconstructing Chronic Low Back Pain in the Older Adult-Step by Step Evidence and Expert-Based Recommendations for Evaluation and Treatment Part III: Fibromyalgia Syndrome.
To present the third in a series of articles designed to deconstruct chronic low back pain (CLBP) in older adults. The series presents CLBP as a syndrome, a final common pathway for the expression of multiple contributors rather than a disease localized exclusively to the lumbosacral spine. Each article addresses one of 12 important contributors to pain and disability in older adults with CLBP. This article focuses on fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). ⋯ Recognition of FMS as a common contributor to CLBP in older adults and initiating treatment targeting both FMS and CLBP may lead to improved outcomes in pain and disability.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial Comparing the Effectiveness of Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Injections of Particulate and Nonparticulate Corticosteroids for Lumbosacral Radicular Pain.
To compare equivalent doses of a nonparticulate (dexamethasone) with a particulate (betamethasone) corticosteroid in lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESIs) in terms of pain, function, and complications. ⋯ According to this study, pain relief and functional improvement are similar for both dexamethasone and betamethasone at 3 months. Considering its safety profile, dexamethasone could be considered as first choice for TFESI. However, given that the study was underpowered, more research is needed to support a recommendation of systematically using dexamethasone in TFESI.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) is highly prevalent in pain medicine, yet there is no "gold standard" or set of validated diagnostic criteria for clinical or research use. A survey collected clinician perspectives on MPS to foster the development of a formal case definition for empirical validation. ⋯ These results were used to propose a set of preliminary diagnostic criteria; expert consensus for case definition and subsequent empirical validation are required for standardization in research and clinical management of MPS.