Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
Assess whether patients with chronic pain receiving 80 to 220 mg oral morphine sulfate equivalent of a full Μ: -opioid agonist could be transitioned to buccal buprenorphine at approximately 50% of their full dose without inducing opioid withdrawal or sacrificing analgesic efficacy. ⋯ Chronic pain patients treated with around-the-clock full Μ: -opioid agonist therapy can be switched to buccal buprenorphine (a partial Μ: -opioid agonist) at approximately 50% of the full Μ: -opioid agonist dose without an increased risk of opioid withdrawal or loss of pain control.
To evaluate whether individual types of pain (headache, stomach-ache, and backache) or multiple pains affect the odds of young people achieving the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day in a large representative sample. ⋯ Pain is associated with reduced physical activity in adolescents but this association varies according to gender, age, and the type of pain experienced.
Letter Case Reports
Unusual Painful Trigeminal Neuropathy Caused by Racemose Neurocysticercosis.