Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
Academic detailing (AD) is a promising intervention to address the growing morbidity and mortality associated with opioids. While AD has been shown to be effective in improving provider prescribing practices across a range of conditions, it is unclear how best to implement AD. The present study was designed to identify key lessons for implementation based on a model AD program in the Veterans Health Administration (VA). ⋯ Identifying and incorporating these key lessons into the implementation of complex interventions like AD are critical to facilitating uptake of evidence-based interventions addressing the opioid epidemic.
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) has recently implemented milestones and competencies as a framework for training fellows in Pain Medicine, but individual programs are left to create educational platforms and assessment tools that meet ACGME standards. ⋯ The many complexities in offering a sophisticated simulated pain curriculum that is valid, reliable, feasible, and acceptable to learners and teachers may only be overcome with coordinated and collaborative efforts among pain medicine training programs and governing institutions.
To examine patient sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with opioid use among Veterans of Operations Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) who receive chiropractic care, and to explore the relationship between timing of a chiropractic visit and receipt of an opioid prescription. ⋯ Nearly one-third of OEF/OIF/OND veterans receiving VA chiropractic services also received an opioid prescription, yet the frequency of opioid prescriptions was lower after the index chiropractic visit than before. Further study is warranted to assess the relationship between opioid use and chiropractic care.
This study investigated for whom interdisciplinary pain management (IPM) is most effective. Identification of predictors of treatment responsivity would facilitate development of patient-treatment matching algorithms to optimize outcomes. ⋯ Physical, psychological, and social outcomes all improved in a significant proportion of participants following the IPM. High baseline depression was a clinically reliable predictor of individual-level improvement. Individuals with nociceptive pain and those who were older, respectively, showed the largest response across multiple outcomes and domains.
The goal of this study was to assess the success of the morphine microdose method in a community pain clinic setting by monitoring follow-up frequency, dose escalation, and monotherapy/polytherapy ratio. The morphine microdose method involves a pretrial reduction or elimination of systemic opioids followed by a period of abstinence. Intrathecal (IT) morphine is then started at doses of less than 0.2 mg per day. Systemic opioid abstinence is then continued after pump implant and IT morphine monotherapy. ⋯ Microdose therapy achieved analgesia, improved safety, and avoided systemic side effects. The safety of IT therapy was increased by using a lower concentration (2 mg/mL) and lower daily doses (<3 mg/d) of morphine. Furthermore, microdose therapy was feasible, safe, and cost-effective in the outpatient setting.