Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy
Expert Opin Pharmacother · Feb 2015
ReviewTreatment strategies for central nervous system infections: an update.
Central nervous system infection continues to be an important cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Our incomplete knowledge on the pathogenesis of how meningitis-causing pathogens cause CNS infection and emergence of antimicrobial resistance has contributed to the mortality and morbidity. An early empiric antibiotic treatment is critical for the management of patients with bacterial meningitis, but early recognition of bacterial meningitis continues to be a challenge. ⋯ Prompt treatment of bacterial meningitis with an appropriate antibiotic is essential. Optimal antimicrobial treatment of bacterial meningitis requires bactericidal agents able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, with efficacy in cerebrospinal fluid. Emergence of CNS-infecting pathogens with resistance to conventional antibiotics has been increasingly recognized, but development of new antibiotics has been limited. More complete understanding of the microbial and host factors that are involved in the pathogenesis of bacterial meningitis and associated neurologic sequelae is likely to help in developing new strategies for the prevention and therapy of bacterial meningitis.
Expert Opin Pharmacother · Feb 2015
ReviewAbuse-deterrent formulations: part 2: commercial products and proprietary technologies.
Increased misuse and abuse of prescription pain medications has driven extensive research and development to produce what are best known as abuse-deterrent formulations (ADFs). The ADFs are intended to prevent, impede or discourage physical and chemical tampering while still being able to provide safe and accurate delivery of an abusable medication for therapeutic benefit. ⋯ Despite the introduction of a wide range of formulation and technology interventions with different deterrence potential, the progression of these technologies seems to be moving from inhibiting only one type of abuse to stopping multiple types of tampering methods. Information on inherent strengths and weaknesses of various formulations can be utilized in the development of more robust and resistant ADF in the future.