International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie
Adolescent health behaviours are influenced by a variety of social factors, including social orientations, such as social comparison or competitiveness. The main goal of the present study was to investigate the role that these social orientations might play in health behaviours (both health-impairing and health-promoting). Data were collected from high school students (N = 548; ages 14-20 years; 39.9% males) in two counties of the Southern Plain Region of Hungary. ⋯ Mientras que competitividad puede actuar como un factor de riesgo respecto del uso de substancias entre muchachos, la comparación social puede actuar como una factor protectivo. Aparentemente las orientaciones sociales juegan un rol menos importante en las conductas de salud de las muchachas. Por ello se necesita una mayor focalización respecto de la influencia de las diferencias de género sobre las conductas asociadas con la salud en adolescentes.
Comparative Study
Effects of country size and language similarity on international attitudes: a six-nation study.
Linguistically similar neighbouring nations that differ in size are often asymmetrical in their attitudinal relations towards each other: Citizens of smaller nations tend to see larger nations as less likeable and less similar than vice versa. We hypothesized that the smaller nations' reaction is the consequence of a threatened identity due to its relative size combined with too much similarity on a vital part of its identity, namely language. To test this hypothesis, 832 high-school students from six different ethnic/national entities (France, Germany, Austria, the French- and German-speaking parts of Switzerland, the French- and Dutch-speaking parts of Belgium, and The Netherlands) completed a questionnaire on liking and similarity ratings. ⋯ Las diferencias en tamaño en combinación con las similitudes lingüísticas estuvieron asociadas con asimetrías repecto del aprecio mutuo por un lado, así como por otro lado, con percepciones asimétricas de similitud con el otro país. Las conclusiones de este estudio son consistentes con los descubrimientos de estudios previos y recalcan la importancia del lenguaje en la identidad de una nación. Adicionalmente estos resultados soportan la Teoría de la Identidad Social como una teoría útil en la comprensión de las relaciones entre grupos así como a nivel de las relaciones internacionales.
In recent years, workaholism has become prevalent throughout organizations and has captured the attention of organizational leaders as well as the academic and scientific communities. Most research in this area has focused on the negative consequences of workaholism, specifically work-life imbalance. One area of research that has largely been ignored is the potential influence of demographic variables on the relationship between workaholism and work-life imbalance. ⋯ Cependant, les résultats ont aussi indiqué que l'origine culturelle ne modère pas la relation entre le travaillolisme et le conflit travail-vie. De plus, il n'y avait pas de différence significative entre les participants caucasiens et les participants noirs sur notre mesure de travaillolisme. Ces résultats sont importants puisqu'il est essentiel pour les employeurs d'être à l'affût des tendances travaillolistes pour qu'ils puissent mieux en gérer les conséquences négatives pour l'organisation, ainsi que pour aider à promouvoir le bien-être de leurs employés. diferenciaban en algunos aspectos.
Comparative Study
Dispositional optimism among American and Jordanian college students: are Westerners really more upbeat than Easterners?
The present study aimed at assessing some previous research conclusions, based primarily on comparisons of North Americans and East Asians, that Westerners tend to be optimistic while Easterners tend to be pessimistic. Two samples of European American and Jordanian college students were administered a questionnaire consisting of items measuring dispositional optimism along with items pertaining to risk and self-protective behaviors (e.g., seatbelt use, vehicular speeding, smoking) and social and demographic factors (e.g., sex, socioeconomic status, religiosity). The findings uncovered dispositional optimism to be stronger for American compared to Jordanian participants. ⋯ Las resultados no mostraron una asociación entre optimismo disposicional y conductas de riesgo o autoprotectoras. Los análisis de regresión múltiples mostraron que el contexto cultural y la sexualidad son los mejores predictores de estas conductas. Las implicaciones de estos hallazgos fueron discutidas.
Low-level processes of children's written language production are cognitively more costly than those involved in speaking. This has been shown by French authors who compared oral and written memory span performance. The observed difficulties of children's, but not of adults' low-level processes in writing may stem from graphomotoric as well as from orthographic inadequacies. ⋯ En résumé, à travers les quatre années de l'école primaire, les enfants allemands montrent une pire performance de l'étendue de mémoire dans l'écriture, en comparaison au rappel oral, avec une augmentation globale dans les deux modalités. Ainsi, toujours à la fin de l'école primaire, l'écriture n'a pas rattrapé l'expression orale en ce qui concerne les coûts cognitifs implicites. Par conséquent, les conclusions se rapportent à la question de comment évaluer correctement n'importe quel type de connaissances et d'habiletés à travers la production du langage.