International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie
In this paper, we develop the theory of ontologization: Social representations that prevent members of minority and majority groups who are living in contact with each other to mingle. The process of ontologization consists of separating some humans from their own species, and anchoring them in another environment, that of an animal, for example. We propose that underlying the famous slogan "equal but separate" is the social representation of interracial mixing as a "counter-nature" phenomenon. ⋯ En un dieseño con 2×3 factores se manipuló la identidad étnica-nacional de esta mujer (intragrupo español/italiano vs. exogrupo senegalés) y la identidad étnica-nacional de sus amantes (intragrupo español/italiano vs. exogrupo rumano vs. exogrupo senegalés). En general los resultados apoyan más claramente la hipótesis de la ontologización en condiciones interraciales, que la acostumbrada hipótesis relacionada con sesgos de favoritismo hacia el intragrupo y/o de discriminación hacia el exogrupo. Posteriormente se discutió en que medida un aproximación de tipo biologista posibilita una diferenciación a nivel humano, en términos de grupos culturales y grupos naturales, en "razas", de tal medida que relaciones sexuales interraciales son vistas como evidencia de un impulso salvaje e incontrolable, el cual estigmatiza a las personas envueltas en estas relaciones.
The present study examined the relationship between adult attachment styles and psychological and sociocultural adjustment of Polish, Russian, and Hungarian immigrants (N = 631) to Dutch society. In addition, it also examined the relationship between demographic factors and adjustment and compared the predictive value of attachment styles and demographic factors for immigrants' adjustment. The Attachment Style Questionnaire was used to assess respondents' attachment. ⋯ In general, demographic factors showed a stronger association with sociocultural than with psychological adjustment. Regression analysis revealed that attachment styles were better predictors of immigrants' psychological and sociocultural adjustment than demographic factors-education, age at immigration, and length of residence. The results indicate that immigrant studies would benefit from taking an attachment perspective.
Comparative Study
Cultural variation in the motivational standards of self-enhancement and self-criticism among bicultural Asian American and Anglo American students.
Recent work on biculturalism has made theoretical and methodological inroads into our understanding of the relation of cultural processes with psychological functioning. Through the use of cultural priming methodologies, investigators have demonstrated that biculturals, or individuals who have experienced and identify with more than one culture, can switch between various "cultural frames of reference" in response to corresponding social cues (Hong, Morris, Chiu, & Benet-Martinez, 2000). Drawing on this work on the cognitive implications of biculturalism, the purpose of the present study was to examine the assumption that independent and interdependent self-construals are associated with the motivational standards of self-enhancement and self-criticism, respectively. ⋯ Nevertheless, consistent prime effects were observed for a selected number of ratings related to academic virtues, with those who received an independent-self prime often exhibiting greater self-enhancing tendencies than those who received an interdependent-self prime. For example, participants in the independent-self condition reported on average significantly higher ratings for self-discipline and initiative, as well as the degree to which they perceived themselves to be hard working. Implications for the work on self-representations, motivation, and acculturation are discussed.
The present study investigated the impact of locus of control on home mortgage loan behaviours. The results showed that participants with stronger external control were more likely to purchase a lower priced home, have a lower ratio of mortgage loan amount to the total home value, and have a shorter term of mortgage loan. Moreover, among participants who have owned a home, those not using mortgage loans showed more external control than those using mortgage loans; among participants who have not owned a home but want to buy a home, those not planning to use mortgage loans showed more external control than those planning to use mortgage loans.