International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie
The interindividual-intergroup discontinuity effect is the tendency for relationships between groups to be more competitive than the relationships between individuals. It has been observed robustly in studies conducted in the United States, which is a society characterized as "individualistic." In this study, it was explored whether the effect was replicable in a "collectivistic" society such as Japan. From the traditional view in cross-cultural psychology, which emphasizes the collectivistic nature of East Asian peoples, it was expected that the discontinuity effect would be greater in Japan than in the United States. ⋯ Estos hallazgos sugieren la robustez trans cultural del efecto de discontinuidad entre individuos y entre grupos. También, de manera interesante, contradicen la simple distinción entre individualismo y colectivismo. Se discutieron las implicaciones para los estudios sobre cultura y procesos grupales.
The contextual differences in the patterns of relations among various motivational, cognitive, and metacognitive components of self-regulated learning and performance in two key curriculum subject areas, language and mathematics, were examined in a sample of 263 Greek primary school children of fifth- and sixth-grade classrooms. Age and gender differences were also investigated. Students were asked to complete the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990 ), which comprised five factors: (a) Self-efficacy, (b) Intrinsic Value, (c) Test Anxiety, (d) Cognitive Strategy Use, and (e) Self-regulation Strategies. ⋯ De hecho, la auto eficacia predijo de manera más significativa no sólo el desempeño, sino también el uso de la estrategia cognitiva y reguladora. No hubo diferencias de género respecto a la motivación y al uso de la estrategia, aunque se encontró que la motivación varía principalmente con la edad. Se discute la utilidad de estos hallazgos para aclarar los referentes motivacionales y meta cognitivos y promover ideas para investigaciones futuras.
The study compares Greek Americans to Greeks and to third-generation white Americans in their endorsement of two cognitive schemas guiding intimate relationships. Greek Americans were more rejecting of low self-disclosure in intimate relationships than were Greeks but did not differ from them on how strongly they advocated sacrificing the self for one's partner. By contrast, Greek Americans did not differ from Americans in their rejection of low self-disclosure and more strongly endorsed self-sacrifice in intimate relationships than did Americans. ⋯ Las diferencias en la edad y en la condición de estudiante o profesional no fueron significativas en el grupo de estadounidenses, en tanto que los profesionales griegos muestran una tendencia a rechazar con mayor fuerza el revelar poco sobre sí mismos, en comparación con los estudiantes. Las mujeres rechazan más que los hombres tanto revelar poco sobre sí mismas como el auto sacrificio en las relaciones íntimas. Las mujeres de mayor edad discrepan con mayor fuerza con el principio de auto sacrificio, y a mayor edad en los hombres mayor adhesión a éste.