Europa medicophysica
Europa medicophysica · Jun 2006
Randomized Controlled TrialNeutral wrist splinting in carpal tunnel syndrome: a 3- and 6-months clinical and neurophysiologic follow-up evaluation of night-only splint therapy.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy of night-only splint wear therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). ⋯ Symptom relief and neurophysiological improvement after night-only splint wear therapy lasted up to the six-month follow-up visit.
Europa medicophysica · Mar 2006
Early rehabilitative treatment in patients with traumatic brain injuries: outcome at one-year follow-up.
The aim of this study was to analyze the outcome at one-year follow-up of patients with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) after 4 years of application of our organizing model and compare our results with the international data in terms of disability (functional independence measure [FIM], disability rating scale [DRS] scores) and social integration (community integration questionnaire [CIQ], work reentry) ⋯ Our data show that this kind of organizing model for the rehabilitative evolution of TBI patients can positively influence the cost-efficiency rate of rehabilitation process reducing care costs in terms of ICU and rehabilitation LOS without affecting outcome in terms of disability and reintegration.
Europa medicophysica · Dec 2005
ReviewShoulder-hand syndrome after stroke. A complex regional pain syndrome.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II are neuropathic pain disorders that develop as an exaggerated response to a traumatic lesion or nerve damage, that generally affects the extremities, or as the consequence of a distant process such as a stroke, spinal lesion or myocardial infarction. It rarely appears without an apparent cause. CRPS of upper limbs after stroke is frequently today called shoulder-hand syndrome (SHS). ⋯ Treatment may be non-pharmacological, pharmacological, with psychotherapy, regional anaesthesia, neuromodulation and sympathectomy. In any case there is little evidence that supports the efficacy of the interventions normally used to treat or prevent CRPS-SHS. The key to effective treatment undoubtedly lies in a an expert multidisciplinary team that is co-ordinated and motivated and that treats the disorder with individualised therapy.
Europa medicophysica · Dec 2005
Comparative StudyCritical comparison of nine different self-administered questionnaires for the evaluation of disability caused by low back pain.
The aim of this study was to critically compare 9 self-administered questionnaires designed to evaluate disability caused by back pain. ⋯ On the basis of psychometric evaluations as well as feasibility considerations, the authors suggest using either the Roland-Morris or Oswestry questionnaire as the best assessment of the level of disability caused by back pain.
Europa medicophysica · Mar 2005
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialRadial shock wave therapy for lateral epicondylitis: a prospective randomised controlled single-blind study.
Despite the lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is a common cause of pain in orthopaedic and sports medicine, the results of the different modalities of conservative treatment are still contradictory. The pourpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of radial shock wave therapy (RSWT) in the treatment of tennis elbow. ⋯ The use of RSWT allowed a decrease of pain, and functional impairment, and an increase of the pain-free grip strength test, in patients with tennis elbow. The RSWT is safe and effective and must be considered as possible therapy for the treatment of patients with tennis elbow.