Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoĭ fizicheskoĭ kultury
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult · Jan 1998
Comparative Study[An SHF electromagnetic field (460 MHz) combined with the preparation Tribimol in treating duodenal peptic ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori].
Epigastric exposure to EHF (460 MHz) electromagnetic field and administration of Tribimol were combined in the treatment of 103 patients with uncomplicated duodenal ulcer. As shown by clinical, endoscopic and morphological examinations, biochemical and imprint tests for Helicobacter pylori, intragastric pH-metry, the method is pathogenetically sound and can be recommended for combined treatment and rehabilitation of patients with duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult · Jul 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial[THe development of systems for the early rehabilitation of patients with ischemic heart disease following aortocoronary bypass].
Two rehabilitation complexes are described for coronary heart disease patients early after aortocoronary shunting. The first complex includes "dry" effervescent baths, magnetolaser therapy applied to the heart area, cryomassage of the abdomen. The second complex consisted of the above modalities plus dry air baths. Indications and contraindications to these complexes are specified.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult · Jan 1997
[The reaction of the cardiovascular system to terrain cure in patients with ischemic heart disease who have undergone surgical myocardial revascularization].
Muscular training in IHD patients who have undergone surgical revascularization of the myocardium should be planned on the individual basis regarding functional condition of the cardiovascular system. Patients with reduced left ventricular contractility should exercise under Holter ECG monitoring to control episodes of ventricular arrhythmia.