The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
Pain among older adults is common and generally associated with high levels of functional disability. Despite its important role in elders' pain experiences, perceived (formal) social support (PSS) has shown inconsistent effects on their functional autonomy. This suggests a moderator role of 2 recently conceptualized functions of PSS: perceived promotion of dependence versus autonomy. The present study aimed at revising and further validating the Formal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory (FSSADI_PAIN), which measures these 2 PSS functions among institutionalized elders in pain. Two hundred fifty older adults (mean age = 81.36 years, 75.2% women) completed the revised FSSADI_PAIN along with measures of physical functioning (ie, Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36) and informal PSS (ie, Social Support Scale of Medical Outcomes Study). Confirmatory factor analyses showed a good fit for a 2-factor structure: 1) perceived promotion of autonomy (n = 4 items; α = .89), and 2) perceived promotion of dependence (n = 4 items; α = .85). The revised FSSADI_PAIN showed good content, discriminant, and criterion-related validity; it discriminated the PSS of male and female older adults and also of elders with different levels of physical functioning. In conclusion, the revised FSSADI_PAIN is an innovative, valid, and reliable tool that allows us to assess 2 important functions of PSS, which may play a relevant role in the prevention and reduction of pain-related physical disability and functional dependence among institutionalized older adults. ⋯ This article presents a revised version of the FSSADI_PAIN that assesses elders' perceived promotion of functional autonomy/dependence as 2 independent functions of perceived social support. This measure may contribute to future research on the role of close interpersonal contexts on the promotion of active aging among elders with chronic pain.
Few studies have examined the involvement of specific subregions of the prefrontal cortex in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). We analyzed cortical thickness to identify morphologic differences in local brain structures between patients with CRPS and healthy control subjects (HCs). Furthermore, we evaluated the correlation between cortical thickness and neurocognitive function. Cortical thickness was measured in 25 patients with CRPS and 25 HCs using the FreeSurfer method. Pain severity and psychiatric symptoms were assessed using the Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire and the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, respectively. Neurocognitive function was assessed via the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the stop-signal task. The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and left ventromedial prefrontal cortex were significantly thinner in CRPS patients than in HCs. CRPS patients made more perseveration errors on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and had longer stop-signal task reaction times than HCs. Although the Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Anxiety Inventory differ significantly between the groups, they were not correlated with cortical thickness. Our study suggests that the pathophysiology of CRPS may be related to reduced cortical thickness in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. The structural alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may explain executive dysfunction and disinhibited pain perception in CRPS. ⋯ The present study reports decreased cortical thickness in the prefrontal cortex and neurocognitive dysfunctions in patients with CRPS. These findings may contribute to the understanding of pain-related impairments in cognitive function and could help explain the symptoms or progression of CRPS.
Studies report that viewing the body or keeping one's arms crossed while receiving painful stimuli may have an analgesic effect. Interestingly, changes in ratings of pain are accompanied by a reduction of brain metabolism or of laser evoked potentials amplitude. What remains unknown is the link between visual analgesia and crossed-arms related analgesia. Here, we investigated pain perception and laser evoked potentials in 3 visual contexts while participants kept their arms in a crossed or uncrossed position during vision of 1) one's own hand, 2) a neutral object in the same spatial location, and 3) a fixation cross placed in front of the participant. We found that having vision of the affected body part in the crossed-arms position was associated with a significant reduction in pain reports. However, no analgesic effect of having vision of the hand in an uncrossed position or of crossing the arms alone was found. The increase of the late vertex laser evoked potential P2 amplitude indexed a general effect of vision of the hand. Our results hint at a complex interaction between cross-modal input and body representation in different spatial frames of reference and at the same time question the effect of visual analgesia and crossed-arms analgesia alone. ⋯ We found that nociceptive stimuli delivered to the hand in a crossed-arms position evoke less pain than in a canonical anatomic position. Yet we report no significant analgesic effect of vision or crossing the arms on their own. These findings foster the integration of visuospatial and proprioceptive information in rehabilitation protocols.
The Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) measure has frequently been used as an indicator of meaningful change in treatments for chronic pain. However, limited research has examined the validity of PGIC items despite their wide adoption in clinical trials for pain. Additionally, research has not yet examined predictors of PGIC ratings following psychologically based treatment for pain. The purpose of the present study was to examine the validity, factor structure, and predictors of PGIC ratings following an interdisciplinary psychologically based treatment for chronic pain. Patients with chronic pain (N = 476) completed standard assessments of pain, daily functioning, and depression before and after a 4-week treatment program based on the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy. Following the program, patients rated 1 item assessing their impression of change overall and several items assessing their impression of more specific changes: physical and social functioning, work-related activities, mood, and pain. Results indicated that the global and specific impression of change items represent a single component. In the context of the acceptance and commitment therapy-based treatment studied here, overall PGIC ratings appeared to be influenced to a greater degree by patients' experienced improvements in physical activities and mood than by improvements in pain. The findings suggest that in addition to a single overall PGIC rating, domain-specific items may be relevant for some treatment trials. ⋯ This article reports on the validity and predictors of patients' impression of change ratings following interdisciplinary psychologically based treatment for pain. In addition to a single overall PGIC rating, domain-specific items may be important for clinicians and researchers to consider depending on the focus of treatment.
Immediate-release (IR) hydrocodone/acetaminophen is the most prescribed opioid in the United States; however, patterns of use, including long-term treatment and dose, are not well described. Duration of use, including the percentage of patients on long-term treatment (>90 days of continuous use), was assessed for patients newly prescribed IR hydrocodone/acetaminophen compared to other opioid analgesics in a national commercial insurance database (January 2008-September 2013). Though only a small percentage of IR hydrocodone/acetaminophen patients continued treatment long-term (1.7%), the number was large (104,839) and was nearly 5 times the number receiving extended-release (ER) morphine (n = 22,338) and nearly 4 times the number receiving ER oxycodone (n = 26,946) long-term. Using a less conservative allowable gap in treatment increased the number of patients meeting the criteria for long-term use (approximately 160,000 for IR hydrocodone/acetaminophen vs <30,000 for ER morphine and ER oxycodone). Most patients meeting these criteria received IR hydrocodone doses between >20 and ≤60 mg/d (n = 56,220, 53.6%) in month 4; 5.5% (n = 5,743) received doses >60 mg/d. Moreover, approximately 15% of IR hydrocodone/acetaminophen patients (n > 900,000) were prescribed total daily acetaminophen doses exceeding 4 g (the limit recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) at their initial IR hydrocodone/acetaminophen prescription or any time during therapy. ⋯ Although most patients were prescribed IR hydrocodone/acetaminophen for acute pain, the number of patients prescribed long-term therapy exceeds the number of patients prescribed ER opioids. It is important to consider the benefits and risks inherent with long-term opioid therapy, whether with IR or ER opioids, to ensure safe use of these products.