The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
The current study investigated the influence of children's ability to flexibly shift attention toward and away from pain information on the development of negatively biased pain memories, thereby employing a direct measure of attention control reliant on behavioral responses in the context of pain (ie, an attention switching task). The direct influence of children's attention-shifting ability and pain catastrophizing as well as the moderating role of this shifting ability in the relationship between pain catastrophizing and the development of negatively biased pain memories was examined. Healthy school children (N = 41; 9-15 years old) received painful heat stimuli and completed measures of state and trait pain catastrophizing. ⋯ Findings highlight the contribution of children's attention control skills in the development of negatively biased pain memories. PERSPECTIVE: Results of the current study indicate that children with a reduced ability to shift attention away from pain information are at risk for developing negatively biased pain memories. Findings can inform interventions to minimize the development of these maladaptive negatively biased pain memories by targeting pain-relevant attention control skills in children.
We previously conducted an exploration of the trustworthiness of a group of clinical trials of cognitive-behavioral therapy and exercise in spinal pain. We identified multiple concerns in 8 trials, judging them untrustworthy. In this study, we systematically explored the impact of these trials ("index trials") on results, conclusions, and recommendations of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). ⋯ PERSPECTIVE: We found that a group of trials of CBT for spinal pain with concerns relating to their trustworthiness has had substantial impacts on the analyses and conclusions of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines. This highlights the need for a greater focus on the trustworthiness of studies in evidence appraisal. PRE-REGISTRATION: Our protocol was preregistered on the Open Science Framework:
Randomized Controlled Trial
The optimal learning cocktail for placebo analgesia: a randomized controlled trial comparing individual and combined techniques.
This study investigated for the first time the effects of individual and combined application of 3 learning techniques (verbal suggestions, classical conditioning, and observational learning) on placebo analgesia and extinction. Healthy participants (N = 206) were assigned to 8 different groups in which they were taught through either a verbal suggestion, a conditioning paradigm, a video observing someone, or any combination thereof that a placebo device (inactive transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation [TENS]) was capable of alleviating heat pain, whereas one group did not (control). Placebo analgesia was quantified as the within-group difference in experienced pain when the placebo device was (sham) 'activated' or 'inactivated' during equal pain stimuli, and compared between groups. ⋯ Our findings emphasize the added value of combining 3 learning techniques to optimally shape expectancies that lead to placebo analgesia, which can be used in experimental and clinical settings. PERSPECTIVE: This unique experimental study compared the individual versus combined effects of 3 important ways of learning (verbal suggestions, classical conditioning, and observational learning) on expectation-based pain relief. The findings indicate that placebo effects occurring in clinical practice could be optimally strengthened if healthcare providers apply these techniques in combination.
Using a model of combat and operational stress reaction (COSR), our lab recently showed that exposure to an unpredictable combat stress (UPCS) procedure prior to a thermal injury increases pain sensitivity in male rats. Additionally, our lab has recently shown that circulating extracellular vesicle-microRNAs (EV-miRNAs), which normally function to suppress inflammation, were downregulated in a male rat model of neuropathic pain. In this current study, male and female rats exposed to UPCS, followed by thermal injury, were evaluated for changes in circulating EV-miRNAs. ⋯ Consistent differences in EV-miRNAs are detectable in both COSR as well as during the development of mechanical sensitivity and potentially serve as key regulators, biomarkers, and targets in the treatment of COSR and thermal-injury induced mechanical sensitivity. PERSPECTIVE: This article presents the effects of unpredictable combat stress and thermal injury on EV-contained microRNAs in an animal model. These same mechanisms may exist in clinical patients and could be future prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers.
Observational Study
The Natural History of Knee Osteoarthritis Pain Experience and Risk Profiles.
The study aimed to characterize the natural history of the pain experience, concurrently considering intermittent and constant pain over 4 years, and determine baseline factors associated with unfavorable trajectories in individuals with chronic knee pain. The Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) is a prospective, observational study of people with or at higher risk for knee osteoarthritis. The Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain (ICOAP) was assessed annually at 48-to-96-month OAI visits. ⋯ Addressing and preventing the development of modifiable risks (eg, widespread pain and knee joint stiffness) may reduce the chance of belonging to unfavorable dual-trajectory groups. PERSPECTIVE: Concurrently tracking intermittent versus constant pain experience, group-based dual-trajectory modeling identified 4 distinct pain experience patterns over 4 years. The benchmarked ICOAP scores in these dual trajectories could aid in stratifying patients for tailored management strategies and intensity of care.