The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
Recent data show that dry eye (DE) susceptibility and other chronic pain syndromes (CPS) such as chronic widespread pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and pelvic pain, might share common heritable factors. Previously, we showed that DE patients described more severe symptoms and tended to report features of neuropathic ocular pain (NOP). We hypothesized that patients with a greater number of CPS would have a different DE phenotype compared with those with fewer CPS. We recruited a cohort of 154 DE patients from the Miami Veterans Affairs Hospital and defined high and low CPS groups using cluster analysis. In addition to worse nonocular pain complaints and higher post-traumatic stress disorder and depression scores (P < .01), we found that the high CPS group reported more severe neuropathic type DE symptoms compared with the low CPS group, including worse ocular pain assessed via 3 different pain scales (P < .05), with similar objective corneal DE signs. To our knowledge, this was the first study to show that DE patients who manifest a greater number of comorbid CPS reported more severe DE symptoms and features of NOP. These findings provided further evidence that NOP might represent a central pain disorder, and that shared mechanistic factors might underlie vulnerability to some forms of DE and other comorbid CPS. ⋯ DE patients reported more frequent CPS (high CPS group) and reported worse DE symptoms and ocular and nonocular pain scores. The high CPS group reported symptoms of NOP that share causal genetic factors with comorbid CPS. These results imply that an NOP evaluation and treatment should be considered for DE patients.
Catastrophizing is associated with negative outcomes in chronic pain and illness. The communal coping model (CCM) and cognitive behavioral (CB) formulations provide differing accounts of the function of catastrophizing in these contexts. In the present study we examined predictions from CCM and CB theoretical models in a sample of 116 patients with chronic fatigue to test (1) whether patient-reported solicitous responses from significant others mediate the relationship of catastrophizing with patient-reported pain and fatigue behaviors, as predicted by the CCM; and (2) whether pain and fatigue behaviors mediate the relationship of catastrophizing with solicitous responses, consistent with a CB model. This work is a secondary data analysis in which the strength of the indirect (i.e., mediating) effects among study variables was examined. Consistent with CB models, pain and fatigue behaviors were associated with catastrophizing and solicitous responses, and there was a significant indirect effect of catastrophizing on solicitous responses through pain and fatigue behaviors. Results were inconsistent with the CCM; catastrophizing was not significantly associated with solicitous responses, nor did solicitous responses mediate the relationship between catastrophizing and pain or fatigue behaviors. These findings highlight the importance of behavioral expressions of pain and fatigue in understanding the relationship of catastrophizing to solicitous responses in chronic fatigue. ⋯ This study of chronic fatigue patients tested CB and CCMs of catastrophizing, pain, and fatigue behaviors, and solicitous responses by significant others. Results were more consistent with CB formulations, which highlighted the importance of behavioral expressions of pain and fatigue in understanding the relationship of catastrophizing to solicitous responses.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) has well known costly complications but we hypothesized that costs of care for chronic pain treated with opioid analgesic (OA) medications would also be substantial. In a statewide, privately insured cohort of 29,033 adults aged 18 to 64 years with DM and noncancer pain who filled OA prescription(s) from 2008 to 2012, our outcomes were costs for specific health care services and total costs per 6-month intervals after the first filled OA prescription. Average daily OA dose (4 categories) and total dose (quartiles) in morphine-equivalent milligrams were calculated per 6-month interval after the first OA prescription and combined into a novel OA dose measure. Associations of OA measures with costs of care (n = 126,854 6-month intervals) were examined using generalized estimating equations adjusted for clinical conditions, psychotherapeutic drugs, and DM treatment. Incremental costs for each type of health care service and total cost of care increased progressively with average daily and total OA dose versus no OAs. The combined OA measure identified the highest incremental total costs per 6-month interval that were increased by $8,389 for 50- to 99-mg average daily dose plus >900 mg total dose and, by $9,181 and $9,958 respectively, for ≥100 mg average daily dose plus 301- to 900-mg or >900 mg total dose. In this statewide DM cohort, total health care costs per 6-month interval increased progressively with higher average daily OA dose and with total OA dose but the greatest increases of >$8,000 were distinguished by combinations of higher average daily and total OA doses. ⋯ The higher costs of care for opioid-treated patients appeared for all types of services and likely reflects multiple factors including morbidity from the underlying cause of pain, care and complications related to opioid use, and poorer control of diabetes as found in other studies.
Theory suggests that as activation of pain concepts in memory increases, so too does subsequent pain perception. Previously, researchers have found that activating pain concepts in memory increases pain perception of subsequent painful stimuli, relative to neutral information. However, they have not attempted to quantify the nature of the association between information studied and ensuing pain perception. We subliminally presented words that had either a low or high degree of association to the word 'pain,' although this was only partially successful and some words were consciously perceived. Participants then received randomized laser heat stimuli, delivered at 1 of 3 intensity levels (low, moderate, high), and we measured the effect of this on behavioral and electrophysiological measures of pain. Participants (N = 27) rated moderate- and high-intensity laser stimuli as more painful after viewing high relative to low associates of pain; these effects remained present when we controlled for measures of mood, anxiety, and physical symptom reporting. Similar effects were observed physiologically, with higher stimulus negativity preceding after high relative to low associates and greater amplitudes for the N2 component of the laser-evoked potential after presentation of high associates in the moderate and high laser intensity conditions. These data support activation-based models of the effects of memory on pain perception. ⋯ Consistent with current theories of memory and pain, we found that high, relative to low activation of pain concepts in memory increased psychological and physiological responses to laser-induced pain. The effect remained regardless of whether participants showed conscious awareness of activation. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.
The chemotherapeutic agent, oxaliplatin, produces a robust painful neuropathy that results in the loss of intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENFs). We have previously reported that an acupuncture point (acupoint) injection of diluted bee venom (DBV) produces a temporary antiallodynic effect in oxaliplatin-induced neuropathic mice. Herein we show a significant long-lasting antinociceptive effect of repetitive DBV acupoint treatment on oxaliplatin-induced mechanical allodynia and a significant reduction in the loss of IENFs. DBV (0.1 mg/kg, subcutaneous) was administered once a day for 18 days beginning on day 15 after oxaliplatin injection. Immunohistochemistry for IENF was performed on the glabrous skin of the hind paw footpad using the pan-neuronal marker, protein gene product 9.5. A temporary increase in mechanical threshold was observed 60 minutes after a single DBV injection into the Zusanli acupoint, and this effect was enhanced over time with repetitive DBV treatments. The basal mechanical threshold before daily DBV injection also increased from day 7 after DBV injections, and peaked at day 14 after DBV treatment. Moreover, the oxaliplatin-induced loss of IENFs was significantly reduced in mice treated repetitively with DBV. Repetitive pretreatment with the α-2 adrenoceptor antagonist, yohimbine, (5 mg/kg, subcutaneous) completely prevented the antiallodynic effects and the increase in IENFs observed in mice treated repetitively with DBV. ⋯ We showed that repetitive acupoint stimulation with DBV gradually and significantly reduced oxaliplatin-induced mechanical allodynia and restored the loss of IENFs in neuropathic mice via an α-2 adrenoceptor mechanism. Collectively, results of this study suggest that repetitive acupoint treatment with DBV can be a potential strategy for the management of chemotherapy-induced neuropathy.