The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
Comparative Study
Comparison of the risks of opioid abuse or dependence between tapentadol and oxycodone: results from a cohort study.
Tapentadol may have a lower abuse risk than other opioids because it has a relatively low affinity for the mu-opioid receptor. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to compare the risk of opioid abuse between tapentadol immediate release (IR) and oxycodone IR using 2 claims databases (Optum and MarketScan). Subjects with no recent opioid use exposed to tapentadol IR or oxycodone IR in 2010 were followed for 1 year. The outcome was the proportion of subjects who developed opioid abuse, defined as subjects with International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, codes for opioid abuse, addiction, or dependence. The relative odds of abuse were estimated using a logistic regression model with propensity-score stratification. The estimates from the 2 databases were pooled using a random effects model. There were 13,814 subjects in Optum (11,378 exposed to oxycodone, 2,436 exposed to tapentadol) and 25,553 in MarketScan (21,728 exposed to oxycodone, 3,825 exposed to tapentadol). The risk of abuse was higher in the oxycodone group than in the tapentadol group in each database. The pooled adjusted estimate for the odds of abuse was 65% lower with tapentadol than with oxycodone (odds ratio = .35, 95% confidence interval = .21-.58). The risk of receiving an abuse diagnosis with tapentadol was lower than the risk with oxycodone. Continued monitoring is warranted because opioid desirability can change over time. ⋯ This study compared the risk of receiving an opioid abuse diagnosis between tapentadol and oxycodone in 2 U.S. claims databases. The risk of receiving an abuse diagnosis was lower with tapentadol during the year of follow-up. Opioid prescribers and patients must be aware of the risk of abuse associated with all opioids.
Genetic variation in the COMT gene is thought to have clinical implications for pain perception and pain treatment. In the present study, we first evaluated the association between COMT rs4680 and the analgesic response to intrathecal morphine in patients with chronic low back pain to provide confirmation of previously reported positive findings. Next, we assessed the relationship between rs4680 and headache response to triptans in 2 independent cohorts of migraine patients. In patients with chronic low back pain (n = 74), logistic stepwise regression analysis showed that age (odds ratio [OR]: .90, 95% confidence interval [CI]: .85-.96, P = .002) and the presence of the COMT Met allele (vs Val/Val, OR: .21, 95% CI: .04-.98, P = .048) were predictive factors for lower risk of poor analgesic response to intrathecal morphine. Intriguingly, in migraine patients, the COMT rs4680 polymorphism influenced headache response to triptans in the opposite direction. Indeed, in an exploratory cohort of migraine patients without aura (n = 75), homozygous carriers of the COMT 158Met allele were found at increased risk to be poor responders to frovatriptan when compared to homozygous patients for the Val allele (OR: 5.20, 95% CI: 1.25-21.57, P = .023). In the validation cohort of migraine patients treated with triptans other than frovatriptan (n = 123), logistic stepwise regression analysis showed that use of prophylactic medications (OR: .43, 95% CI: .19-.99, P = .048) and COMT Met/Met genotype (vs Val/Val, OR: 4.29, 95% CI: 1.10-16.71, P = .036) were independent risk factors for poor response to triptans. ⋯ This study highlights the importance of COMT rs4680 in influencing the clinical response to drugs used for chronic pain, including opioid analgesics and triptans. These findings also underline a complex relationship between COMT genotypes and pain responder status.
This study evaluated changes in abuse exposures, therapeutic error exposures, and diversion into illegal markets associated with brand extended-release oxycodone (ERO) following introduction of reformulated ERO. Original ERO and reformulated ERO street prices also were compared. Data from the Poison Center and Drug Diversion programs of the Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS) System were used. Quarterly rates 2 years prior to introduction of reformulated ERO (October 2008 through September 2010) were compared to quarterly rates after introduction (October 2010 through March 2012) using negative binomial regression. Street prices were compared using a mixed effects linear regression model. Following reformulated ERO introduction, poison center ERO abuse exposures declined 38% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 31-45) per population and 32% (95% CI: 24-39) per unique recipients of dispensed drug. Therapeutic error exposures declined 24% (95% CI: 15-31) per population and 15% (95% CI: 6-24) per unique recipients of dispensed drug. Diversion reports declined 53% (95% CI: 41-63) per population and 50% (95% CI: 39-59) per unique recipients of dispensed drug. Declines exceeded those observed for other prescription opioids in aggregate. After its introduction, the street price of reformulated ERO was significantly lower than original ERO. ⋯ This article indicates that the abuse, therapeutic errors, and diversion of ERO declined following the introduction of a tamper-resistant reformulation of the product. Reformulating abused prescription opioids to include tamper-resistant properties may be an effective approach to reduce abuse of such products.
This study explored the functional connectivity between brain regions implicated in the default mode network, the sensorimotor cortex (S1/M1), and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS/MIP) at rest in patients with complex regional pain syndrome. It also investigated how possible alterations are associated with neuropathic pain. Our group used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate functional brain connectivity in 12 complex regional pain syndrome patients in comparison with that in 12 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Data were analyzed using a seed voxel correlation analysis and an independent component analysis. An analysis of covariance was employed to relate alterations in functional connectivity with clinical symptoms. We found significantly greater reductions in functional default mode network connectivity in patients compared to controls. The functional connectivity maps of S1/M1 and IPS/MIP in patients revealed greater and more diffuse connectivity with other brain regions, mainly with the cingulate cortex, precuneus, thalamus, and prefrontal cortex. In contrast, controls showed greater intraregional connectivity within S1/M1 and IPS/MIP. Furthermore, there was a trend for correlation between alterations in functional connectivity and intensity of neuropathic pain. In our findings, patients with complex regional pain syndrome have substantial spatial alterations in the functional connectivity between brain regions implicated in the resting-state default mode network, S1/M1, and IPS/MIP; these alterations show a trend of correlation with neuropathic pain intensity. ⋯ This article presents spatial alterations in the functional resting-state connectivity of complex regional pain syndrome patients. Our results add further insight into the disease states of CRPS and into the functional architecture of the resting state brains of pain patients in general.
Pain catastrophizing regularly occurs in chronic pain patients. It has been suggested that pain catastrophizing is a stable, person-based construct. These findings highlight the importance of investigating catastrophizing in conceptualizing specific approaches for pain management. One important area of investigation is the mechanism underlying pain catastrophizing. Therefore, this study explored the relationship between a neurophysiological marker of cortical excitability, as assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation, and catastrophizing, as assessed by the Brazilian Portuguese Pain Catastrophizing Scale, in patients with chronic myofascial pain syndrome. The Pain Catastrophizing Scale is a robust questionnaire used to examine rumination, magnification and helplessness that are associated with the experience of pain. We include 24 women with myofascial pain syndrome. The Brazilian Portuguese Pain Catastrophizing Scale and cortical excitability were assessed. Functional and behavioral aspects of pain were evaluated with a version of the Profile of Chronic Pain scale and by multiple pain measurements (eg, pain intensity, pressure pain threshold, and other quantitative sensory measurements). Intracortical facilitation was found to be significantly associated with pain catastrophizing (β = .63, P = .001). Our results did not suggest that these findings were influenced by other factors, such as age or medication use. Furthermore, short intracortical inhibition showed a significant association with pressure pain threshold (β = .44, P = .04). This study elaborates on previous findings indicating a relationship between cortical excitability and catastrophizing. The present findings suggest that glutamatergic activity may be associated with mechanisms underlying pain catastrophizing; thus, the results highlight the need to further investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms associated with pain and catastrophizing. ⋯ This study highlights the relationship between cortical excitability and catastrophizing. Cortical measures may illuminate how catastrophizing responses may be related to neurophysiological mechanisms associated with chronic pain.