Sleep medicine
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can influence the appearance and proliferation of some tumors. The Sleep Apnea In Lung Cancer Screening (SAILS) study (NCT02764866) evaluated the prevalence of OSA and nocturnal hypoxemia in a high-risk population enrolled in a lung cancer screening program. ⋯ Moderate to severe OSA is very prevalent in patients enrolled in a lung cancer screening program. Nocturnal hypoxemia more than doubles the risk of positive screening findings.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is associated with an unrelenting urge to move at night, which can cause chronic sleeplessness, depression, and despondency; thus increasing risk of suicide. We aimed to determine frequency of suicidal ideation and behavior in RLS. ⋯ Lifetime suicidal ideation or behavior is prevalent in RLS sufferers, and its likelihood is dependent on RLS severity and depression history.
To investigate factors associated with residual sleepiness in patients who were highly adherent to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Nocturnal inactivity, comorbidities, concomitant medications, and, in particular, white matter (WM) differences using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were explored using a continuous-time random-walk (CTRW) model. ⋯ The observed differences in the CTRW parameters between the two groups indicate that WM alterations can be a possible mechanism to explain reversible versus residual sleepiness observed in OSA patients with identical high level of CPAP use. The moderate to strong correlations between the CTRW parameters and the clinical scores suggest the possibility of developing objective and quantitative imaging markers to complement clinical assessment of OSA patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Sleep assessment in a randomized trial of hyperbaric oxygen in U.S. service members with post concussive mild traumatic brain injury compared to normal controls.
In this exploratory, double-blind, longitudinal sham-controlled trial of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) for military personnel with post concussive mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), self-reports and objective measures of sleep-wake disturbances were assessed and compared to normals. ⋯ Perceived sleep quality was markedly disrupted in mTBI military personnel and sleep-wake disturbances were prevalent compared to a normative cohort. HBO2 relative to sham improved some measures of sleep quality on the PSQI, but other measures of sleep were not significantly different.
Adherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is crucial. Our aim was to identify protective and risk factors against the discontinuation of CPAP treatment in patients with OSA and to estimate the mortality risk in those who were non-adherent to CPAP therapy. ⋯ Use of humidifier is associated with greater adherence to CPAP treatment. Other factors predicting adherence are increasing age, more severe OSA and overweight up to BMI 35, whereas female gender and coexisting hypertension are risk factors for discontinuation of CPAP. Failure to adhere to CPAP is associated with increased mortality.