International journal of hygiene and environmental health
Int J Hyg Environ Health · Nov 2013
Identifying sources of phthalate exposure with human biomonitoring: results of a 48h fasting study with urine collection and personal activity patterns.
Human biomonitoring studies measuring phthalate metabolites in urine have shown widespread exposure to phthalates in the general population. Diet is thought to be a principle route of exposure to many phthalates. Therefore, we studied urinary phthalate metabolite patterns over a period of strict fasting and additionally recorded personal activity patterns with a diary to investigate non-dietary routes of exposure. ⋯ Furthermore, metabolites of most of the LMW phthalates (BBzP, DnBP and DiBP) tracked each other remarkably well, suggesting concurrent exposures. Diary entries could not help explain exposure sources for these phthalates, with one exception: rises in MEP concentrations around males' showers suggest personal care products as a major source of DEP. Exposure to HMW phthalates in this cohort appears to be driven by dietary intake, while non-dietary routes such as use of personal care products and ubiquitous sources including dust and indoor air appear to explain exposure to LMW phthalates.
Health impact of air pollution to children was studied over the last twenty years in heavily polluted parts of the Czech Republic during. The research program (Teplice Program) analyzed these effects in the polluted district Teplice (North Bohemia) and control district Prachatice (Southern Bohemia). Study of pregnancy outcomes for newborns delivered between 1994 and 1998 demonstrated that increase in intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) was associated with PM10 and c-PAHs exposure (carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in the first month of gestation. ⋯ Our studies demonstrate that air pollution significantly affect child health. Especially noticeable is the increase of respiratory morbidity. With the development of molecular epidemiology, we can further evaluate the health risk of air pollution using biomarkers.
Int J Hyg Environ Health · Mar 2013
Multiple chemical sensitivity: on the scent of central sensitization.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent, non-specific symptoms in response to chemically unrelated exposures in non-toxic concentrations. Although the pathophysiology of MCS remains unknown, central sensitization may be an important factor contributing to the clinical manifestations. ⋯ Increased capsaicin-induced secondary punctate hyperalgesia was demonstrated in MCS patients without comorbid, overlapping disorders, suggesting facilitated central sensitization in MCS.
Int J Hyg Environ Health · Jan 2011
ReviewInfluence of indoor factors in dwellings on the development of childhood asthma.
Asthma has become the most common, childhood chronic disease in the industrialized world, and it is also increasing in developing regions. There are huge differences in the prevalence of childhood asthma across countries and continents, and there is no doubt that the prevalence of asthma was strongly increasing during the past decades worldwide. Asthma, as a complex disease, has a broad spectrum of potential determinants ranging from genetics to life style and environmental factors. ⋯ Exposure to pet-derived allergens and house dust mites are very commonly investigated and thought to be related to asthma onset. The epidemiological evidence is not sufficient to recommend avoidance measures against pet and dust mites as preventive activities against allergies. More research is also needed to clarify the potential risk for exposure to volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds due to renovation activities, phthalates and chlorine chemicals due to cleaning.
Int J Hyg Environ Health · Jul 2010
What is the use? An international look at reuse of single-use medical devices.
Reuse of single-use devices is common in most countries worldwide. We provide an overview of the issue from an international perspective. In many developing and transitional countries reuse of cheap single-use devices (needles, syringes, surgical gloves) is common leading to large numbers of unsafe interventions, specifically injections and, as a consequence, infection with hepatitis B, C or HIV. ⋯ US, Canada, some European countries) demanding ethical and legal considerations, high standards of reprocessing and training of staff, risk assessment, management and validation of reprocessing. Well regulated reprocessing can decrease the number of single-use devices reprocessed. In developing as well as developed countries, a decision to reprocess single-use devices should only be made after a critical reflection of advantages and disadvantages.