The Medical staff counselor
This article describes some of the issues relevant to the different kinds of contracts that are likely to be offered to physicians entering private practice upon completion of residency programs or in the early years of practice and discusses how such issues can be resolved in the course of negotiating those contracts.
In today's increasingly competitive medical practice environment, legal challenges to credentialing decisions abound. To minimize the risk of liability, hospitals and their medical staffs must be especially careful when adopting and applying the criteria for medical staff membership.
After a two-year delay, the National Practitioner Data Bank, authorized by the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, has yet to begin its mission to collect and disseminate information concerning adverse actions affecting physicians' hospital privileges, licensure, and malpractice claims experience. This article discusses some of the problems that are likely to arise in the operation of the Data Bank.
Historical Article
The evolution of quality assurance systems in health care--a personal retrospective.
This article is an account of the evolutionary development of quality assurance systems in the health care field. It is presented from the perspective of the author, who participated extensively in the development of these systems.
In this article, the author summarizes recently enacted legislation that will result in a phaseout of the traditional usual and customary fee reimbursement system for physicians under Medicare, explains how a system of relative value scales will be implemented, and offers some suggestions for physicians concerned about their economic futures.