JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Oct 2015
ReviewExploring conceptual and theoretical frameworks for nurse practitioner education: a scoping review protocol.
The objective of this review is to examine conceptual and/or theoretical frameworks that are relevant to nurse practitioner education.The specific review question is: What conceptual and/or theoretical frameworks are available that are relevant to the structuring of nurse practitioner education? ⋯ The use of conceptual and theoretical frameworks to organize the educational curriculum of nursing programs is essential to protect and preserve the focus and clarity of nursing's distinct contribution to health care. Conceptual frameworks of nursing provide a means to look at nursing in relationship to external factors, thereby assigning meaning to the practice. Graduate level nursing education in the preparation of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) specifically and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) in general, is significantly compromised by the tendency to conceptualize the learning in these complex programs as being primarily related to skills-based tasks and competencies alone. According to Baumann, advanced nursing education must focus on the uniqueness of the NP position, in contrast to other health care professions. To do this, Baumann suggests using a conceptual nursing model and nursing theory as opposed to a strictly biomedical model. This allows NPs to interpret information in a way that differs from the strict biomedical model, providing opportunities for the NPs to be truly present in the lives of their patients.Canadian Nurse Practitioner (NP) practice competency documents are based primarily on the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Nurse Practitioner (NP) Core Competency Framework. This document defines the core set of entry-level competencies required for all NPs to practice in all Canadian jurisdictions, settings and client populations. The Core Competencies in the CNA NP Framework are organized within four main categories: professional role, responsibility and accountability; health assessment and diagnosis; therapeutic management; and health promotion and prevention of illness and injury. Although vital to the organization of provincial entry-level registration standards, this framework provides little direction to educational providers for curricula organization and philosophical perspectives.The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing developed a national framework for NP education following a multi-phase consultation and literature and curriculum synthesis project. While the task force addressed the guiding principles and essential components of NP education along with contextual factors that impact on the delivery of curricula in Canadian jurisdictions, the philosophical approaches guiding and organizing the education were not addressed.A similar set of documents has been created in the United States by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). These documents are organized by six population level foci (including the specialty of family/individual across the lifespan) and outline core competencies for entry to practice and registration and educational standards. The Core Competency documents provided by the NONPF are presented in the same manner as the CNA NP Framework and likewise, do not provide a guiding or organizing framework or philosophy for NP education.A full curriculum overhaul based on the NONPF competency requirements was performed at a university center in Oregon. The new curriculum was based on competencies that students must acquire, rather than learning objectives. While the NONPF Framework does provide an extensive list of entry-level requirements for NPs, the challenges faced by the institution as it aimed to incorporate the framework into the curriculum clearly provide evidence that these overarching frameworks need to include both a philosophical and organizational component to help guide educators.Conceptual frameworks are useful for establishing a congruent relationship between program curricula, objectives and content. Walker and Avant advance the utility of conceptual frameworks as providing the logic behind the interrelationships of terms and variables, and improving explanation and understanding. Gold, Haas & King assert that conceptual frameworks facilitate grounding of a nursing lens in the curricula of advanced practice nursing programs. It has been noted that newly practicing NPs have demonstrated an allegiance withmedical model thinking, second only in importance to wellness/health promotion considerations. Blasdell and colleagues surveyed 188 practicing NPs to investigate the relationship between education and the use of theory in clinical practice. Educated graduate NPs rated the importance of nursing theory to the NP practice role significantly higher than did diploma and baccalaureate degree NPs (4.05±2.06 versus 2.65±1.69, p<.001) but both groups rated the nursing models as less important for practice than a medical model approach.Huckabay highlighted the need for the use of a harmonized nursing model at the undergraduate level to ensure that students have a thorough understanding of what nursing is and what nursing care entails. At the graduate level, Huckabay suggested the use of multiple nursing models, depending on specialty. Regardless of the educational level, a conceptual framework used for education must enable nurse educators to have sufficient guidelines to construct a curriculum and determine what knowledge and skills are needed by the nursing students. Further, Furlong identified the need for Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) curriculae to be innovative and critically reflective, preparing students to be readily adaptable to challenges in the work place. Furlong suggests that to do this, the curriculum must rely upon an interdisciplinary framework to deliver content. Gold, Haas & King suggest that core curricula based on a medical model or a skill-related task list do not reflect the critical thinking of nurses, nor the uniqueness of the profession. Thus, conceptual models used for curricula development must: encompass the distinct nursing worldview, promote learning, and be efficient and comprehensive.Frameworks have been proposed and tested to guide the development and implementation of inter-professional education (IPE) and collaborative practice curricula for NP and medical students. A qualitative assessment of a framework guided IPE module illustrated the benefit of improving the focus on role awareness in participating students. However, this particular curriculum was limited to a two-week period and not presented as a pervasive approach to the educational programs of each discipline.In education, an overarching philosophy can provide a road map for goal identification, teaching material development and the formulation of evaluation methods. For instance, when creating a curriculum that was a result of the collaboration of three different post-secondary institutions, the SHARE (students, humor, administrative support, resources, and educational technology) model was used. This model brings together resources, students and faculty, surrounding them with humor, which was viewed as a fundamental part of the process while the program was still in its early stages. According to the authors, the program has been widely successful and the reliance on humor as an underlying philosophy has enabled the students and faculty to deal with problems arising in the new program.Focusing on evaluation, Kapborg & Fischbein promoted the use of the Education Interaction Model. The model identifies how educational influences can interact with abilities of students and how the consequences of this interaction can be evaluated by observing changes in both students and programs. The authors argue that, while the educational interaction model is effective, it is not the only model that can be used to carry out evaluations. The authors stress that the model chosen to perform an evaluation should be based upon what or who is going to be evaluated.The standards outlined in the CNA NP framework are an essential part of organizing the education process for NPs and ensuring that NPs have acquired the necessary skills to practice in Canada as an NP. However, the framework is lacking philosophy and organization regarding NP education programs to ensure that the curriculum is preparing the NPs for the ever-changing work environment.An Australian survey of NP education documents from relevant universities as well as interviews with NPs and academic conveners from Australia and New Zealand found that, while NP educational programs need to have strong clinical and science based learning components, student directed and flexible learning models act to ensure the capability of NPs as they strive to adapt to practice situations. Capability, as an approach to the learning process, includes the flexibility to respond to the specific, self-identified learning needs of students. Knowing how to learn, having high self-efficacy, applying competencies to new tasks, collaborating with others, and being creative are all signs of a capable practitioner. Gardner et al. emphasized the need for a program that fosters both competent and capable NPs. In a follow-up study, using the same data, Gardner et al. confirmed that NPs viewed the attributes of a capable NP as imperative to practice. Thus, a framework for NP education must include both competency building elements, such as those currently found in the CNA NP framework and capability building elements which can be fostered through self-directed learning.Similarly, Schaefer investigated the role of caring in nursing practice through a class for APN students in which the students reflected on their narratives of caring for patients. This qualitative study revealed that when APN students provide care by meeting the complex needs of suffering patients, the art and science of nursing combine. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Oct 2015
ReviewThe effectiveness of health literacy interventions on the informed consent process of health care users: a systematic review protocol.
The aim of this systematic review is to establish the best available evidence of the effectiveness of health literacy interventions on the informed consent process for health care users. The specific review question is:What is the effectiveness of health literacy interventions on health care users' informed consent to health procedures processes? ⋯ Informed consent is a fundamental principal in the health care context which nowadays includes the patient's capacity to judge and to be involved in the decision making concerning their care that ensures that the care received reflects their goals, preferences and values. The importance of obtaining a valid consent before any medical procedure is well-established. In a US court case in 1914, it was stated that it is the right of any adult with the capability of making decisions concerning his own body, and that any surgical operation without the patient's consent could be considered as an assault. In another US court case, the court stated that it is a doctor's duty to make a reasonable disclosure to his patient of the nature, probable consequences and dangers of the proposed treatment to the patient. The application of the doctrine of informed consent as a legal procedure may slightly differ from country to country or from state to state, and may have different forms even within the same country. For example in the UK, consent can be written, verbal or non-verbal/implied, and a written consent form is not the actual consent itself but merely serves as evidence that consent has been given. If the elements of voluntariness, appropriate information and capacity have not been satisfied, a signed informed consent form will not make the consent valid. Nowadays it is widely accepted that prior to the application of any medical procedure, its benefits, risks and alternatives must have been explained to the patient, and the competent patient should have voluntarily and understandingly consented. Hence, the informed consent refers both to the health professional's obligation of information disclosure to the patient and to the quality of the patient's understanding and decision making. In other words, it does not refer to the single moment of the agreement, but to the whole complex process of gaining information, deciding and consenting. Several factors may restrict informed consent, including the patient's competence, provision of limited information, ineffective communication between patients and professionals, the hospital environment itself and privacy problems.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people are increasingly urged to make choices for themselves or for their family members in regards to health care use. However, at the same time, inadequate or problematic health literacy skills have been reported in approximately half of the adult population in eight European countries. "Health literacy is linked to literacy and entails people's knowledge, motivation and competences to access, understand, appraise and apply health information in order to make judgments and take decisions in everyday life concerning health care, disease prevention and health promotion to maintain or improve quality of life during the life course". There are many instruments measuring either health literacy in general or some dimensions of health literacy (e.g. numeracy), health literacy related to specific issues (e.g. nutrition, diabetes) or health literacy of specific populations (e.g. adolescents). The diversity of existing instruments, which includes diversity in terms of scoring and ranges, makes the comparison of the results of different studies difficult. Index thresholds and ranges for different levels of health literacy for most tools were set based either on that of other well established health literacy instruments used in the same study, or on experts' assessments of the required health literacy scores. Adequate health literacy could be considered as the capacity of successfully completing most tasks required to function in the health care setting.Low or inadequate health literacy has been found to have several adverse effects on health and health care use: reduced ability to take medications properly and to interpret labels and health messages, poorer overall health status and higher risk of mortality in seniors, increased emergency department and hospital use, and decreased use of preventive interventions.Most studies examining the relationship between health literacy and informed consent conclude that patients with low health literacy are less likely to participate in decision making concerning their health care. According to a recent literature review, health care users' literacy, together with other factors, were found to be important determinants of a patient's capacity to provide fully informed consent. According to this review, 21 to 86% of the patients were able to recall the potential risks and complications of their medical procedure. This percentage may be even lower because most of the included studies referred to self-reported recall, which may be a flawed measure. According to the literature, much of the written material related to the informed consent is too difficult for health care users to understand. In addition, in their study, McCarthy et al. observed that during consultations, physicians spoke and used significantly more complex language than their patients, which may result in inappropriate communication for the patients, mainly for those with limited literacy. The situations described above may raise a number of critical legal and ethical problems. Health professionals, who shape the conditions of interactions with the patient, are responsible for adapting appropriate interventions, such as communication approaches that take into account patients' health literacy. These interventions could have a major contribution to the improvement of the informed consent process.Sheridan et al. conducted a systematic review on interventions designed to reduce the effects of limited health literacy in general. Some of the outcomes of the included studies were comprehension and behavioral intent, outcomes which could be strongly related to the informed consent process. Without making any distinction of the studies referring to the informed consent process, they conclude that several health literacy interventions, for example, adding video to narrative, could improve an individual's comprehension. Schenker et al. conducted a systematic review on the interventions to improve patient comprehension of medical and surgical procedures, including articles published until 2008. One of their conclusions was that, in most studies, while particular attention is needed for interventions provided to patients with limited literacy, the literacy of the patients was not addressed or assessed.Since then, many articles on health literacy and informed consent have been published. According to a recent review on best practices and new models of health literacy for informed consent, which includes papers published from 2004 to 2014, over half of the collected articles were published since 2010. This review, which is limited to literature within the US and its territories, and does not focus on the evaluation of the recommended practices in the literature, concludes that different tactics for simplifying written documents and clarifying verbal exchanges, and the use of multimedia formats and computerized exchanges might ameliorate constraints to health literate communications required for informed consent.Studies have evaluated the effectiveness of health literacy interventions which aim to improve the informed consent process. Improvement of the informed consent process may refer not only to the patients' comprehension but also, for example, to the recall of the information provided, to their intention to ask for clarifications, or to their satisfaction with the procedure. Interventions described and tested in the literature focus on the improvement of the print material, the process (e.g. the communication of the appropriate information) or both. Davis et al. conducted a randomized controlled trial to compare two polio vaccine pamphlets written at a sixth grade level - an international standardized pamphlet and an easy-to-read pamphlet - for the comprehension and preference among parents. Although the parents in the intervention group (N=304) achieved significantly higher comprehension than the control group (N=306) (65% vs 60%, p<0.005), the authors concluded that simplifying written material increases appeal but not the comprehension to an adequate level without use of instructional graphics. Similarly, Lorenzen et al. found that a reader friendly informed consent document to surgical procedures was more commonly read by the health care users as compared to the original consent document; however, no difference was found in terms of the participants' capacity to describe the procedure in their own words. Kang et al. evaluated recall and comprehension of orthodontic informed consent among pairs of children and their parents (N=90) applying three different informed consent procedures. According to this study, a combination of improving the readability of consent materials and the informed consent process (audio and visual cues) led to better recall for the patients and better recall and comprehension for their parents compared to an improved readability form or the usual informed consent form. Smith et al. used a randomized controlled trial to compare a decision aid (booklet and DVD) specifically designed for adults with low literacy skills (N=357) with a standard information booklet (N=173) on screening for bowel cancer. They found that the proportion of participants making an informed choice was 22% higher in the intervention group than in the control group (34% vs 12%, P<0.001). Matsuyama et al. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Oct 2015
ReviewThe effectiveness of school-based family asthma educational programs on the quality of life and number of asthma exacerbations of children aged five to 18 years diagnosed with asthma: a systematic review protocol.
The objective of this review is to identify the best available quantitative evidence related to the effectiveness of school-based family asthma educational programs on the quality of life and number of asthma exacerbations of children aged five to18 years with a diagnosis of asthma. ⋯ Asthma is a serious public health issue globally and nationally. The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Asthma Report 2014 estimates that 334 million people worldwide currently suffer from asthma. In the United States, asthma currently affects about 25 million people. Although asthma can occur at any age, it most often begins early in life, and is the most common non-communicable disease among children. Approximately 14% of the world's children have asthma. In the United States, 7.1 million children have asthma. Globally, the burden of asthma, measured by disability and premature death, is greatest in children approaching adolescence (ages 10-14). Asthma is also a serious economic concern in primary health care worldwide. In the United States, the estimated total cost of asthma to society was US$56 billion in 2007, or US$3259 per person. In 2008 asthma caused 10.5 million missed days from school and 14.2 missed days from work for caregivers. The estimated total cost of loss of productivity resulting from missed school or work days is US$3.8 billion per year, and premature death US$2.1 billion per year. Globally, asthma ranks 14 in terms of disability adjusted life years (DALYs), which are the number of years lost to ill health, disability or death attributed to asthma. According to a 2011 European study, the estimated total cost of asthma was €19.3 billion among people aged 15 to 64 years. A study conducted in the Asia-Pacific region reported that the direct and indirect costs of asthma per person ranged from US$184 in Vietnam to US$1189in Hong Kong in 2000. A Canadian study showed that C$184 loss of productivity during one week was attributed to asthma in 2012. In Australia, AU$655 million was spent on asthma for 2008-09.Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects millions of people of all ethnicities, ages and genders worldwide. The pathophysiology of asthma is multifaceted, and is characterized by restriction of airflow into and out of the lungs, airway inflammation with increased mucus production, and bronchial hyper-reactivity caused by exposure to environmental irritants and chemicals, often referred to as triggers, which in some cases are modifiable. Asthma triggers include respiratory infections, weather changes, stress, excitement, exercise and other physical activities, allergic hypersensitivity reactions, food additives, animal dander, dust mites, cockroaches, outdoor and indoor pollutants, certain medications and cigarette smoke. Asthma is characterized by recurrent, episodic, reversible symptoms often referred to as asthma exacerbations, or asthma attacks. Asthma symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and wheezing that most frequently occur at night or in the early morning. Asthma symptoms vary in severity and frequency in affected individuals, and can occur several times a day or week. Asthma symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe, and are classified according to presenting symptoms and quantitative measurements of lung function using a peak expiratory flow meter (PEF), or of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). Asthma symptoms can be so severe that, if left untreated, death can occur.Exacerbations of asthma symptoms often result in school and work absenteeism, activity intolerance and emergency hospital visits for asthma. Nocturnal asthma exacerbations frequently cause sleeplessness, which may result in daytime fatigue. Asthma symptoms can interfere and disrupt activities of daily life, and can have an unfavorable impact on the quality of life for people with the disease, including children and their caregivers. For this review, quality of life represents how well the asthmatic child is able to manage symptoms of the disease and lead a normal healthy life. Caregiver refers to the primary person who takes care of a child with asthma. Family refers to the caregiver and the child.According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), epidemiologists and clinical researchers concur that the burden of asthma is higher among children compared to adults. Asthma prevalence in children varies within and across countries. Asthma disparities also exist along ethnic and racial lines. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) quantified the prevalence of asthma symptoms of children from around the world. In the United States, non-Hispanic Black and Puerto Rican children have higher asthma prevalence compared to Caucasian children. Children from the Ivory Coast, Costa Rica and Wales have higher asthma prevalence compared to children from Kenya, Brazil and England respectively. Indigenous Australians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian children have a higher prevalence of asthma compared to non-Indigenous Australian children. The international prevalence of asthma prompted governments and communities to create initiatives and strategies to address this public health issue.The global burden of asthma led to the development of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). Formed in 1993, in collaboration with theNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, United States of America and the WHO, GINA's goals include working with healthcare providers and public health officials worldwide to reduce asthma prevalence, morbidity and mortality. In an effort to increase public awareness of the global burden of asthma, GINA created World Asthma Day, which is held annually on the first Tuesday in May. The burden of asthma in the United States fostered the creation of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). This program is designed to raise awareness about asthma and the major public health concern it poses to society. In addition to conducting asthma prevention activities, NAEPP collaborates with other stakeholders to develop asthma educational programs for minority populations who are disproportionately affected by asthma. The program believes that adequate control of asthma, through modern treatment and educational programs, can be reinforced by the development of partnerships with caregivers, schools and healthcare providers. The NAEPP Expert Panel Report 3, Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3), has a provision that specifies that asthma education programs for children should include their caregivers. Caregivers' involvement is crucial for achieving the goals of asthma management in children, which supports the interest of GINA and NAEPP to include caregivers in school-based asthma education programs for children. The guidelines recommend education for asthma management should occur at all points of care, including schools. According to the EPR-3, schools are ideal locations to facilitate asthma education programs because they provide access to large numbers of children in an environment in which they are accustomed to learning. The long term effects of these approaches are improved healthcare practices, reduced mortality and morbidity, and reduced costs of asthma care.Although there is no cure for asthma, research evidence has demonstrated that asthma symptoms can be well-controlled with the appropriate medications, adherence to treatment, avoidance of asthma triggers, and education about disease management. Research studies that have investigated the effectiveness of school-based asthma education programs that have included caregivers have demonstrated beneficial effects of these programs on the quality of life and disease management of children with asthma, versus no school-based family asthma education programs.A randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted by Clark et al. that included 835 children and their parents examined the effects of comprehensive school-based asthma education programs on symptoms, grades and school absences, and parents' asthma management practices. The interventions consisted of six components for children, their parents, classmates and school personnel. One of the six components included "Open Airways for Schools" disease management training for children, which also included handouts and homework for the parents. One of the five interventions for the parents included school fairs with asthma care questions and answers sessions to discuss the frequency and type of asthma symptoms of their children. Results of this study demonstrated that 24 months post intervention, children from the intervention groups had better disease management, which included improved control of daytime and nighttime symptoms, and reduced absences from school and work related to asthma exacerbations, compared to the children from the control group.In another study, Bruzzese et al. conducted a pilot RCT that included 24 families. Each family consisted of an asthmatic child and a caregiver. The study examined the effects of a two-month, school-based asthma education program. The interventions consisted of six interactive 75-minute group sessions for students, held once a week for six weeks, and five 90-minute group sessions for caregivers, held once a week. The student sessions were led by a developmental psychologist, and one of the lesson topics included prevention and management of asthma. The group sessions for caregivers were led by a clinical psychologist, and one of the lesson topics included asthma self-management of their children. The interventions resulted in positive short term changes in family relations and an overall improved health status for the children. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Oct 2015
ReviewThe experiences of acute non-surgical pain of children who present to a healthcare facility for treatment: a systematic review protocol.
The qualitative objective of this systematic review is to identify and synthesize the best available evidence on experiences of acute non-surgical pain, including pain management, of children (between four to 18 years) when they present to a healthcare facility for treatment.The specific objectives are to identify: ⋯ The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage". The pain experience is multifaceted and complex, extending beyond the physiological interpretation of a noxious stimulus, encompassing other dimensions, including; psychological, cognitive, sociocultural, affective and emotional factors. Pain can be described as chronic (persisting for three months or more) or acute (a time limited response to a noxious stimuli). Over the past 50 years clinical research has made revolutionary contributions to better understanding pediatric pain. The once pervasive erroneous notion that infants do not experience pain the same way as adults has been firmly dispelled. We now know that nervous system structures associated with the physiological interpretation of pain are functional as early as fetal development. Despite this critical knowledge and the growing global commitment to improving pediatric pain management in clinical practice, evidence repeatedly suggests that pain management remains suboptimal and inconsistent, a phenomenon commonly referred to as oligoanalgesia. Research evidence has linked poorly managed pain in the pediatric population to negative behavioral and physiological consequences later in life. Effective pain management is therefore a priority area for health care professionals. Improved understanding of children's experiences of acute non-surgical pain may lead to improved pain management and a reduction in oligoanalgesia.In the 1970s and 1980s, studies began exploring the subjective experiences of pediatric pain and discovered children's abilities to articulate their pain experiences, and to link causes and consequences of their pain. Developmental trends or age related patterns with regards to children's expressions and experiences of pain were identified. Recent studies have also recognized apparent trends in children's understanding and expressions of pain; these follow an age and cognitive development trajectory in line with Piaget's theories of development.For many children psychosocial aspects of pain, including emotions like fear, stress and anxiety, are often more unpleasant than the painful experience itself. Emotional responses such as distress and anxiety are commonly associated with the anticipation of pain, can exacerbate and intensify the pain experience, and can significantly lower a child's pain threshold. One study utilized an observational pain assessment tool to explore children's pain experiences. The findings indicated that children who underwent "non-painful" procedures (such as restraint) had equal, and in some cases higher, pain scores than those who underwent painful procedures (such as intravenous cannulation).Several studies exploring pediatric pain within health care settings (including, but not limited to, general practitioners, hospitals, emergency departments and outpatient clinics) have adopted quantitative methods, some examined parents' perspectives, and others explored nurses' perceptions. While results of such studies have added to the existing body of knowledge that supports the need to focus on improving pediatric pain management, it has been suggested that failing to ask children directly risks not capturing subjective experiences of pain from the children's perspectives in their entirety. Seeking the children's perspectives could provide a more reliable and adequate means of gaining insight into their needs and expectations when they are in pain.A single centered study in Singapore used semi-structured face-to-face interviews (n=15) to explore children's experiences of pain management postoperatively. While the children, aged between six and 12 years, identified the role of analgesia in managing their pain, they also placed significant emphasis on the role of parents and health care professionals in implementing non-pharmacological interventions in pain management. These results are relevant as they provide insights into how children experience and express pain, and their expectations of health care professionals in managing their pain. These findings draw attention to effective pain management approaches when caring for children. Similarly, a UK study adopted a cross sectional descriptive design using the draw and write technique aimed at investigating children's views on what helped when they were in pain. The children (n=71) were aged between four and 16 years. Findings revealed that children viewed themselves as active agents in pain management, while also placing significant emphasis on the importance of parents and nurses in managing their pain. In both studies, children valued nurses for social interactions, such as kindness and humor, rather than the provision of clinical care, including analgesia administration. Adjunct therapies such as distraction, visualization and music have also been shown to be effective in managing the pain experience in children.Not only do these findings demonstrate the complexity of the pain experience for the child, they also support the notion that improved pain management may come from research that is designed to better understand the entire pain experience from the child's perspective. While there are systematic reviews on interventions for managing children's pain, and one explored children's experiences in the postoperative context, none have considered children's experiences of acute non-surgical pain when they present for treatment. This qualitative systematic review aims to identify and synthesize results of studies exploring children's experiences of pain and pain management.
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Oct 2015
ReviewThe impact of knowledge on attitudes of emergency department staff towards patients with substance related presentations: a quantitative systematic review protocol.
University of Manitoba and Queens Joanna Briggs Collaboration for Patient Safety: a Collaborating Center of the Joanna Briggs Institute ⋯ Substance-related emergency department (ED) visits are common worldwide. Estimates of cases with alcohol involvement presenting to the ED range from 6% to 45%. Research conducted in the UK and Australia suggests that presentations related to illicit drug use are common and have increased in recent years.In 2012, an estimated six million Canadians met the criteria for substance use disorder; alcohol was the most common substance of abuse followed by cannabis and other drugs. The relationship between substance use and physical injury is well documented. The risk of mortality is increased by the side effects of substances on users involved in accidents and trauma. Not surprisingly, substance-related ED visits have been on the rise. Although only 3 to 10% of overall visits are typically related to a primary entrance complaint of drug or alcohol use or abuse, studies estimate that up to 35% of ED visits may be directly or indirectly substance related. These reasons may range from injury resulting from accidents or violence to substance-related illnesses.Health care providers (i.e., typically medical and nursing staff) have often perceived substance using patients as a challenging group to manage and as adding to the workload of already busy staff. The challenges of providing care to this patient population may be attributed to: (1) the chaotic ED environment, (2) health care providers' lack of knowledge, experience or skill in identifying and addressing substance misuse, (3) health care providers' lack of support structures such as sufficient time, staff and resources in working with this population, (4) health care providers' negative attitudes towards this patient population, (5) unpleasant tasks (i.e. intoxicated patients who urinate on themselves) associated with care delivery to this patient population, (6) patients' aggressive or violent behavior, and (7) patients' lack of motivation to change.Health care providers' attitudes towards patients with substance use problems have been found to affect health care delivery. This is of concern given the research findings that suggest they generally hold negative attitudes towards this patient population. For instance, in their study of nurses' attitudes towards patients who use illicit drugs, Ford, Bammer and Becker found that only 15% of nurses gained satisfaction from caring for these patients and only 30% were motivated to care for this patient group. Researchers who have examined substance using patients' experiences accessing health care also point to the suboptimal attitudes of health care providers towards this patient population. In the Neale, Tompkins and Sheard study of the barriers encountered by injecting drug users when accessing health and social care services, injecting drug users reported that they were often treated poorly or differently from other patients (i.e. sent home prematurely, not given appropriate aftercare or discharge), and made them feel not worthy of receiving help. Although the evidence relating to health care providers' attitudes toward substance using patients comes primarily from studies conducted in mental health or primary care settings, researchers who have examined ED staff attitudes towards this patient population paint a similar picture. For instance, Camilli & Martin's review of ED nurses' attitudes toward intoxicated and psychiatric patients suggests that nurses are often frustrated when it comes to these patients as they are time consuming and offer repeat business to the ED. An ethnographic study of care delivery in an ED also points to the negative attitudes of ED staff towards this patient group. Henderson, Stacey and Dohan found that ED providers had interactions with substance using patients that may be considered excluding, rejecting or de-valuing, that is, in observations and interviews, providers often spoke of this patient population as abusing the system, overusing system resources, and not caring about their own health care. Other negative attitudes of ED staff towards substance using patients found in the literature pertain to: (1) being reluctant to ask patients about substance use, (2) believing little can be done in EDs to help these patients, (2) feeling angry or professionally dissatisfied when treating this patient group, (4) lacking a sense of responsibility for referring to specialist treatment, and (5) believing patients lack motivation to change following interaction with medical staff.Although there is considerable evidence that indicates health care providers hold negative attitudes towards substance using patients, there are also some studies that have found positive attitudes towards this patient population. For instance, in their study of physician attitudes toward injecting drug users, Ding et al. found that seeing more injecting drug users was associated with more positive attitudes towards this patient population. Similarly, Kelleher & Cotter's descriptive study of ED doctors' and nurses' knowledge and attitudes concerning substance use found that the ED doctors and nurses who participated in the study had positive attitudes with regards to working with substance using patients. In the majority of these studies, however, positive attitudes were reported when health care providers were professionals working in addiction services, had more experience caring for this patient population, or had more personal contact with substance using patients. But does knowledge about substance use impact attitudes towards patients with substance-related presentations?Providing education or experience-based exercises may impact positively on attitudes towards substance using patients. Brief educational interventions, typically, informational sessions, either didactic or online, about alcohol and other drugs and how to assess and work with individuals using them, have been shown to have a positive impact on students' attitudes, knowledge and confidence relating to substance use and substance users. Whether ED staff attitudes towards patients with substance-related presentations are similarly impacted by the knowledge acquired through educational interventions remains unknown. A full systematic review of the literature will answer this question. A systematic review that examines the impact of knowledge on attitudes of ED staff will inform the design of educational strategies with emergency department staff to improve attitudes towards this patient population.To confirm that no other systematic review has been published on this topic, a preliminary literature search was conducted. The following databases were searched and no current or planned review was found related to this topic: JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PROSPERO, CINAHL, PubMed, and Scopus. Grey literature was also searched; however, no systematic review addressing the impact of knowledge on attitudes of ED staff towards patients with substance-related presentations was located.