Medical journal, Armed Forces India
Craniotomy and excision of tumours can produce neurological deficits if the tumour is located close to eloquent areas of the brain. One technique of overcoming this problem is to keep the patient 'awake' during surgery. ⋯ Awake craniotomy with skull blocks with sedation and analgesia is a well established procedure. It requires a good rapport between surgeon, anaesthesiologist and the patient.
In recent years, there has been a significant resurgence of interest in regional anaesthesia techniques. Despite various advantages, regional anaesthesia is not used to its full potential in orthopaedic surgeries. ⋯ Skilfully performed techniques in regional anaesthesia can facilitate excellent surgical anaesthesia and postoperative pain management.
Med J Armed Forces India · Jul 2006
Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Monitoring in Peripheral Hospitals.
An improvised monitor was designed in a peripheral hospital to measure the tracheal tube cuff pressures in patients intubated under anaesthesia. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of assessment of cuff pressure by the traditional palpatory method and to compare the improvised monitor with the standard monitor commercially available. The effect of nitrous oxide on the cuff-pressure was also studied. ⋯ An objective measurement by any equipment is superior to assessment of cuff pressure by palpation. The improvised monitor can be used to give a fair idea of the cuff pressures, in places where a standard monitor is not available.
Med J Armed Forces India · Oct 2005
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Human Immunodificiency Virus Infection.
In view of increase in incidence of exptrapulmonary tuberculosis after the epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus infection, the clinical profile of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection was studied. ⋯ In HIV infected patients, the most common extrapulmonary site is lymph mode followed by spleen.
Med J Armed Forces India · Feb 2005
ReviewIntroduction of Modern Stretchers in Armed Forces for Improving Casualty Evacuation in Field with Special Reference to Casualty Evacuation in Mountains.
Indian Army has two service stretchers, the Stretcher Folding Light Weight and the Ambulance Stretcher Mark II. Few Imported stretchers have limited distribution. ⋯ Modern stretchers suitable for the Indian Armed Forces have been described. If provisioned, they will improve the efficacy of combat survival, and combat medical support in the field, especially in mountains.