Pain physician
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection for Zoster-Related Pain: The Golden Period for the Best Outcome.
Zoster-related pain (ZRP) has many negative effects on a patient's quality of life. The transforaminal steroid injection (TFESI), which reduces neural inflammation and pain, has been advocated by pain physicians. Many reports demonstrated that early administration of TFESI showed better efficacy; however, the golden period during which TFESI is most effective remains unclear. ⋯ TFESI is more effective when administered within 12 weeks of onset of herpes zoster.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Anti-nociceptive Effects of Dexmedetomidine Infusion Plus Modified Intercostal Nerve Block During Single-port Thoracoscopic Lobectomy: A Double-blind, Randomized Controlled Trial.
Multimodal general anesthesia based on modified intercostal nerve block (MINB) has been found as a novel method to achieve an intraoperative opioid-sparing effect. However, there is little information about the effective method to inhibit visceral nociceptive stress during single-port thoracoscopic surgery. ⋯ This study demonstrates that low-dose dexmedetomidine infusion combined with MINB might be an effective alternative method to blunt visceral stress in patients undergoing single-port thoracoscopic lobectomy. Furthermore, the analgesic effect of MINB was significantly prolonged after dexmedetomidine infusion.
Pain and Opioid Use in Cancer Survivors: A Practical Guide to Account for Perceived Injustice.
The presence of pain decreases survival rates in cancer. Pain management in clinical settings is often suboptimal and secondary to other cancer-related treatments, leaving many people undertreated. Opioid use is associated with side effects and decreased survival rate in cancer patients. Hence, there is an urgent need for considering factors such as perceived injustice that sustain post-cancer pain and trigger a behavioral pattern associated with opioid use. Injustice beliefs represent a maladaptive pattern of cognitive appraisal that may be a salient target for improving pain-related coping in these patients. Perceived injustice is associated with increased opioid prescription and prospectively predicted opioid use at 1-year follow-up, urging the need for targeted interventions to diminish perceived injustice. ⋯ In light of its potential relevance for opioid abuse and potential impact on conservative management strategies, clinicians are advised to screen for perceived injustice in patients with pain following cancer treatment. Therapeutic targeting of perceived injustice can be done through an approach comprising of modified pain neuroscience education, motivational interviewing, and acceptance-based interventions.
The role of psychological factors influencing chronic pain has been well documented. This review includes a historical perspective and current examination of the literature on psychological and behavioral health characteristics and their influence on chronic pain. ⋯ Psychological and behavioral health factors should be an integral component of a pain management practice as there is substantial overlap between depression and anxiety with chronic pain. Positive affect, such as resilience, may act as a buffer and confer some protection against the sequelae of chronic pain. There is evidence that psychological screeners offer further insight into the patient condition and would contribute to the treatment plan. The novel role of a behavioral health navigator in a pain management clinic is worthy of further exploration as it has proved beneficial in other chronic health conditions.
Epidural injections are one of the commonly performed procedures in managing low back and lower extremity pain. In the past, Pinto et al and Chou et al performed systematic reviews and meta-analyses with a recent update from Oliveira et al showing lack of effectiveness of epidural steroid injections in managing lumbar radiculopathy. In contrast, multiple other systematic reviews and meta-analyses have supported the efficacy and use of epidural injections utilizing fluoroscopic guidance. ⋯ Epidural injections with or without steroids for radiculopathy showed significant effectiveness with Level I or strong evidence for local anesthetic with steroids and Level II to I or moderate to strong evidence with local anesthetic alone.