Pain physician
Review Meta Analysis
Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
There is conflicting evidence from previous qualitative reviews on the effect of vitamin D supplementation on pain. ⋯ Meta-analysis, pain, randomized controlled trials, vitamin D supplementation.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Pulsed Dose Radiofrequency Before Ablation of Medial Branch of the Lumbar Dorsal Ramus for Zygapophyseal Joint Pain Reduces Post-procedural Pain.
One of the potential side effects with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) includes painful cutaneous dysesthesias and increased pain due to neuritis or neurogenic inflammation. This pain may require the prescription of opioids or non-opioid analgesics to control post-procedural pain and discomfort. ⋯ Low back pain, facet joint disease, medial branch block, Radiofrequency ablation, thermal radiofrequency, pulsed dose radiofrequency, PDRF, zygapophyseal joint.
Lumbar synovial cysts can result from spondylosis of facet joints. These cysts can encroach on adjacent nerve roots, causing symptoms of radiculopathy. Currently the only definitive treatment for these symptoms is surgery, which may involve laminectomy or laminotomy, with or without spinal fusion. Surgery has been reported to successfully relieve radicular pain in 83.5% of patients by Zhenbo et al. Little information is available concerning the efficacy and outcome of percutaneous fluoroscopic synovial cyst rupture for treatment of facet joint synovial cysts. ⋯ Fluoroscopically guided lumbar synovial cyst rupture, lumbar synovial cyst, lumbar zygapophyseal joint cyst, nonsurgical intervention, radiculopathy, spondylosis.
Neuropathic pain (NP) is a major public health problem worldwide. Because of the unclear mechanism of NP, its treatment is one of the most difficult medical problems. As a targeted, noninvasive, safe therapy, pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) provides a new method for the treatment of NP; however, its effect on this treatment still lacks support from evidence-based medicine. ⋯ Neuropathic pain, pulsed radiofrequency, analgesia, meta-analysis.
Lumbar muscle dysfunction due to pain might be related to altered lumbar muscle structure. Macroscopically, muscle degeneration in low back pain (LBP) is characterized by a decrease in cross-sectional area and an increase in fat infiltration in the lumbar paraspinal muscles. In addition microscopic changes, such as changes in fiber distribution, might occur. Inconsistencies in results from different studies make it difficult to draw firm conclusions on which structural changes are present in the different types of non-specific LBP. Insights regarding structural muscle alterations in LBP are, however, important for prevention and treatment of non-specific LBP. ⋯ Low back pain, non-specific, chronic, recurrent, acute, muscle structure, fat infiltration, cross-sectional area, fiber type, review.