Pain physician
Proper coding and documentation for evaluation and management services continuously and progressively are becoming not only complicated, but also confusing. Although medical evaluation of patients has been a fact of life since the beginnings of medical history, medicine has been substantially influenced by federal regulations since the enactment of Medicare. Physicians' fear of being prosecuted is increasing. ⋯ While the history is the same for all types of visits except for the complexity for each level, four types of physical examination are available, either in a general multisystem examination or a single-system examination. However, the complexity of medical decision making is the essential factor in deciding to which level the evaluation and management belong. This review will discuss various aspects of evaluation and management guidelines in interventional practice and also guide the physician in performing these evaluations in an appropriate manner with proper documentation, thus avoiding the pitfalls of fraud and abuse.
Sympathetic blocks in the cervical and upper thoracic region are commonly used techniques for a variety of diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic purposes. Stellate ganglion block is the common nomenclature utilized, however, stellate ganglion is present in only 80% of the population, thus, either lower cervical sympathetic block or upper thoracic sympathetic block is an appropriate term. The cervical sympathetic ganglia are identified as the superior, middle, intermediate and the inferior cervical sympathetic ganglion. ⋯ Complications of stellate ganglion block include complications related to the technique, infection, and pharmacological complications related to the drugs utilized. Cervical sympathetic or stellate ganglion block is a very commonly performed procedure. If performed correctly, this can provide good therapeutic, prognostic, and diagnostic values.
Epidural neuroplasty (lysis of epidural adhesions) is an interventional technique that has emerged over the last 10 years as part of a multidisciplinary approach to treating radiculopathy with low back pain when conservative management has failed. Neuroplasty was at one time performed as a single-catheter technique using the caudal approach. It now has many variations, including placement of the catheter tip in the anterior epidural space. This article will discuss the evolution and refinement of epidural neuroplasty at our institution.
Appropriate documentation, billing and coding in interventional pain practice is a crucial issue with a wide arena of regulatory reforms. There have been reports of billions of dollars in losses in health care fraud. Office of Inspector General reports a massive war on health fraud. ⋯ This review describes the regulatory issues, steps in documentation of medical necessity, appropriate billing and coding, and examples of codes describing CPT 1999 and 2000 for a multitude of procedures. These illustrations and the information provide practical considerations for the use of interventional techniques in the management of chronic pain based on the current state of the art and science of interventional pain management, rules and regulations. However, this article and its descriptions do not constitute legal advice.
Internal disc disruption is a common cause of disabling low back pain in a substantial number of young, healthy adults. Crock described this painful entity and reported annular fissures that distort the internal architecture of the disc; Externally the disc appears relatively intact and undeformed. A clinical diagnosis of internal disc disruption, in absence of objective clinical findings, is extremely difficult. ⋯ Recent studies indicate the existence of a biochemical/ biomechanical model of discogenic pain, which explains the disabling low back pain in some subjects with no objective evidence of nerve-root compromise. However, a reluctance to acknowledge internal disc disruption as a valid clinical entity delays diagnosis and treatment. Failure to identify and treat this entity early and aggressively results in longterm disability, thereby perpetuating the enigma of chronic low back pain.