Frontiers in pediatrics
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2017
Clinical Presentation and Outcomes among Children with Sepsis Presenting to a Public Tertiary Hospital in Tanzania.
Pediatric sepsis causes significant global morbidity and mortality and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) bear the bulk of the burden. International sepsis guidelines may not be relevant in LMICs, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), due to resource constraints and population differences. There is a critical lack of pediatric sepsis data from SSA, without which accurate risk stratification tools and context-appropriate, evidence-based protocols cannot be developed. The study's objectives were to characterize pediatric sepsis presentations, interventions, and outcomes in a public Emergency Medicine Department (EMD) in Tanzania. ⋯ This pediatric sepsis cohort had high and early in-hospital mortality. Current criteria and tested clinical scores were inadequate for risk-stratification and mortality prediction in this population and setting. Pediatric sepsis management must take into account the local patient population, etiologies of sepsis, healthcare system, and resource availability. Only through studies such as this that generate regional data in LMICs can accurate risk stratification tools and context-appropriate, evidence-based guidelines be developed.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2017
Challenges and Priorities for Pediatric Critical Care Clinician-Researchers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
There is need for more data on critical care outcomes and interventions from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Global research collaborations could help improve health-care delivery for critically ill children in LMIC where child mortality rates remain high. ⋯ LMIC clinician-researchers must be better empowered and resourced to lead and influence the local and global health research agenda for critically ill children. Increased funding options, access to training and mentorship in research methodology, and improved data collection systems for LMIC PCC researchers were recognized as key needs for success.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2017
Asthma and Obesity in Children Are Independently Associated with Airway Dysanapsis.
An increase in the prevalence of overweight and asthma has been observed. Both conditions affect negatively lung function in adults and children. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of overweight and asthma on lung function in children. ⋯ Our results suggest that asthma and overweight are independently associated with airway dysanaptic growth in children which can be further scrutinized using impulse oscillometry. Overweight contributed more to the reduction in FEV1/FVC than asthma in children without increasing airway resistance. Spirometry specificity and sensitivity for obstructive diseases may be reduced in populations with high prevalence of overweight. Adding impedance oscillometry to spirometry improves our understanding of the ventilatory abnormalities in overweight children.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2017
Case ReportsMalignancy-Induced Hypercalcemia-Diagnostic Challenges.
Hypercalcemia in children is a rare metabolic finding. The clinical picture is usually non-specific, and the etiology includes several entities (metabolic, nutritional, drug-induced, inflammatory, cancer-associated, or genetic) depending on the age at presentation, but severe hypercalcemia is associated mainly with malignancy in childhood and sepsis in neonates. Severe parathyroid hormone (PTH)-suppressed hypercalcemia is challenging and requires multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to (i) confirm or rule out a malignant cause, (ii) treat it and its potentially dangerous complications. ⋯ The definitive diagnosis was a malignant-induced hypercalcemia, and we needed 4 weeks to assess other differential diagnoses and to confirm, on histopathological and immunochemical base, the malignant origin of hypercalcemia. Using this case as an illustrative example, we suggest a diagnostic approach that underlines the importance of repeated histology if the clinical suspicion is malignancy-induced hypercalcemia. Effective treatment is required acutely to restore calcium levels and to avoid complications.