Frontiers in pediatrics
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2019
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Department Care and Health Outcomes Among Children in the United States.
Background: There is an incomplete understanding of disparities in emergency care for children across racial and ethnic groups in the United States. In this project, we sought to investigate patterns in emergency care utilization, disposition, and resource use in children by race and ethnicity after adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, and clinical factors. Methods: In this cross-sectional study of emergency department (ED) data from the nationally representative National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Survey (NHAMCS), we examined multiple dimensions of ED care and treatment from 2005 to 2016 among children in the United States. ⋯ Blacks and Hispanics also experienced significantly longer wait times and overall visits as compared to whites. Conclusions: Black and Hispanic children faced disparities in emergency care across multiple dimensions of emergency care when compared to non-Hispanic white children, while Asian children did not demonstrate such patterns. Further research is needed to understand the underlying causes and long-term health consequences of these divergent patterns of racial disparities in ED care within an increasingly racially diverse cohort of younger Americans.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2019
Case ReportsSimultaneous Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG): Dual Use of Brain Monitoring Techniques Improves Our Understanding of Physiology.
Continuous brain monitoring tools are increasingly being used in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to assess brain function and cerebral oxygenation in neonates at high risk for brain injury. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is useful in critically ill neonates as a trend monitor to evaluate the balance between tissue oxygen delivery and consumption, providing cerebral and somatic oximetry values, and allowing earlier identification of abnormalities in hemodynamics and cerebral perfusion. Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) is a method for continuous monitoring of cerebral function at the bedside. ⋯ We review the use of NIRS and aEEG in neonates and describe four cases where abnormal NIRS values were immediately followed by changes in brain activity as seen on aEEG allowing the impact of a hemodynamic disturbance on the brain to be correlated with the changes in the aEEG background pattern. These four clinical scenarios demonstrate how simultaneous neuromonitoring with aEEG and NIRS provides important clinical information. We speculate that routine use of these combined monitoring modalities may become the future standard for neonatal neuromonitoring.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2019
Comparison of Measured and Estimated Resting Energy Expenditure in Adolescents and Young Adults With Severe Obesity Before and 1 Year After Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Introduction: Resting energy expenditure (REE) is often evaluated in adults and adolescents with obesity to estimate caloric requirements when advising dietary changes. However, data are lacking regarding the accuracy of methods used to clinically assess REE in adolescents with severe obesity. Moreover, there are no data regarding the effects of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) on REE in adolescents. ⋯ When evaluating parameters affecting % total weight loss, we found that it correlated positively with REE/TBW at 12 months (R = 0.625; p = 0.03) and negatively with % fat mass at 12 months (R = -0.669; p = 0.024). Discussion: In adolescents with moderate-severe obesity, despite a correlation between mREE using indirect calorimetry and eREE using the Deru, MS, HB, and WHO equations, there is significant over-estimation of REE at the individual level, challenging their clinical utility. One year after SG, REE/TBW increased and strongly correlated with % total weight loss in adolescents.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2019
Sex Differences Between Female and Male Newborn Piglets During Asphyxia, Resuscitation, and Recovery.
Background: Male and female newborns have differences in their fetal development, fetal-to-neonatal transition, and postnatal morbidity. However, the cardiovascular fetal-to-neonatal adaption is similar between sexes. No study has examined sex differences in newborns during hypoxia, asphyxia, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, or post-resuscitation recovery. ⋯ The median (IQR) time to achieve return of spontaneous circulation in females and males was 111 (80-228) s and 106 (80-206) s (p = 0.875), respectively. The 4-h survival rate was similar between females and males with 28/35 (80%) and 49/54 (91%) piglets surviving (p = 0.241), respectively. Conclusions: No difference between female and male newborn piglets was observed during hypoxia, asphyxia, resuscitation, and post-resuscitation recovery.
Frontiers in pediatrics · Jan 2019
Case ReportsAccidental Pyrethroid Ingestion in Toddler: Near-Fatal Atypical Presentation and Successful Recovery.
We are reporting a case of pyrethroid poisoning with atypical presentation in a 21-month-old toddler who was transferred to us from a peripheral center. Signs and symptoms at presentation were predominantly of cardiopulmonary dysfunction contrary to more common presenting features of gastrointestinal and neurological impairment. The reason for this seems to be the aspiration pneumonitis as a consequence of vomiting induced by parents at home, rather than the toxin itself even though a rather rapid progression of lung injury does not rule out the possibility. ⋯ This case highlights several important aspects in the care of the pediatric patient after ingestion of insecticides. First, attempt to induce emesis, especially outside of a healthcare facility is not only ineffective but also highly dangerous, and should not be done. Second, unstable patients require inter and intrahospital transfer by experienced and trained personnel; and lastly, management for these complex and atypical cases should be done as early as possible in a center which is equipped to provide high level of circulatory and ventilatory support while prioritizing neuro-protective measures, and neurologic recovery and rehabilitation.